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| 整個旅程 (共4篇遊記)
第七天 (夏悠宮>艾菲爾鐵塔>傷兵院>Chez Clement午餐>羅浮宮>老佛爺百貨) 一早再到夏悠宮及艾菲爾鐵塔拍照,在鐵塔下遇上難得的藍天白雲,真的叫人十分感動,拍了很多很美的照片,很開心。但不久,一陣烏雲已開始慢慢地飄過來了,整個天空又再變成灰灰的。但能剛好碰上一陣子最美的藍天與白雲,已經覺得十分幸運。 從鐵塔再走到到傷兵院看拿破崙墓,路程大概十五至二十分鐘。男朋友很愛這裡,說有種難以形容震撼的感覺,大讚。而我卻並沒有像他有這種感受,可能我對拿破崙的認識太少吧。我還是對美食的感受較大。差不多中午時分,從傷兵院坐Metro來到香榭儷舍大道Chez Clement吃豐富的海鮮大餐。 吃飽後出發到羅浮宮,羅浮宮比想像中的大,到處都是謎遊客。看了名畫蒙娜麗莎,其實沒有甚麼特別,畫比想像的小,但來到羅浮宮總要來看看。逛了數小時,開始感到疲累,幸好宮內到處都有不少座椅給旅客坐坐稍作休息。 黃昏時,到老佛爺百貨 Galeries Lafayette內的Supermarket買了些食物回Hostel吃作晚餐吃。其間讓我發現另一Marcaons名店Piere Herme,當然要買些來試試,選了朱古力及焦糖味。在Supermarket買了些沙律菜、水牛芝士、火雞片及蘋果。蔬菜生果是我要求買的,因為去旅行時特別少吃蔬菜生果,需要多點纖維幫助消化!水牛芝士一包只是港幣十多元,比起在香港買的平四,五倍有多,抵吃! 只有些三文治及生果是不夠,每餐怎能缺少甜品呢?所以又來到Laduree買蛋糕,一口氣選了三款蛋糕,分別是Tarte Citron,即Lemon Tart、Carre Chocolat,即Chocolate Cake及Millefeuille Praline,即Hazelnut拿破崙。 晚上要早點休息,明早出發到Mont Saint Michel聖米歇爾山,一個令我很期待的地方。 豐盛的海鮮午餐 2012-01-20 Piere Herme Macarons 2012-01-20 讓我每天都嚐Laduree甜點 2012-01-20 |
| 整個旅程 (共4篇遊記)
來到第五天,一大清早五點半便起床,吃了些燕麥作早餐便出發到機場。幸好有表姐夫駕車,所以只需半個小時左右便到法蘭克福機場。幸好昨天晚上已在網上check-in,所以來到機場後只需把列機票列印出來,便可以去寄存行李。雖然排隊寄存行李的人很多,但是德國人的辦事效率都算高,不用等太久已辦好。 Leon de Bruxelles - 百隻青口餐 2012-01-20 著名景點慢遊 2012-01-20 |
| 整個旅程 (共2篇遊記)
很久以前在電視節目上看過Mont St Michel的浩瀚, 日落時畫面是多麼震撼, 多麼動人, 那時我指著電視畫面跟另一半說 “我要去呢度!” 就是這一句說話, 促成了這次西法一日遊... Mont St Michel 與巨型奄列 2011-06-14 |
| 整個旅程 (共8篇遊記)
睡過好覺之後,一大清早出露台一望...........已到達第一站......康城! 無錯! 就係康城影展嘅康城!因為康城沒有停泊郵輪的碼頭,所以郵輪只會停泊在出面,再由駁艇接送我們來回! 康城是一個小城市, 不用再轉乘其他交通工具去遊覽,所以就算是5:00pm前要回船也沒有太大問題!而加上沒有太多特別的名勝,所以我只會稍作街頭掠影,共冶一爐! 瞬間看康城 2011-05-25 與法國蠔在康城的約會 2011-05-25 瞬間看康城續集 2011-05-25 |
| 整個旅程 (共8篇遊記)
首先為大家簡介一下今次的行程: 香港-----巴黎-----巴塞隆那(上船)-----康城-----佛羅倫斯 +比薩-----羅馬-----巴塞隆那(下船) 明明在巴塞隆那上船,為什麼會去巴黎呢?!原因就係我太太話要先感受一下巴黎嘅浪漫 (其實係去巴黎d名店幫我放血就真!) 一間好舒服及好好食嘅麵包coffee shop! 2011-05-25 在巴黎必到的大教堂!! 2011-05-25 到巴黎如果無影過呢個塔,千祈唔好話比人知你去過巴黎! 2011-05-25 一間座擁 Eiffel Tower 靚景的餐廳! 2011-05-25 在巴黎怎可以缺少放血的行程呢?! 2011-05-25 瞬間看巴黎 2011-05-25 |
| 整個旅程 (共1篇遊記)
SO let's see how long I can keep this up...blogging. With a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend a MONTH in Paris, I thought it would be a good time to really start some serious blogging. Hopefully Wordpress will help too. (Tumblr has been great in letting me pictureblog...but that's the lazy way out.) Here I am on my 1st day (well, 2nd if you count yesterday, but I landed at 5:30 so didn't really get anything done) in Paris, having Fromage Blanc with Raspberry Compote and Kinder MAXIKING (yes it required capitals) which is a crazy chocolate bar with, to quote the package, "le caramel, pour le fondant et le plaisir" in the center, "la mouse de lait, pour la fraicheur et l'onctuosité," and wrapped in les éclats de noisettes; pour le croquant." Not a very classy breakfast, but it's the best I can do when most stores are closed on Sundays in non-tourist areas. (edit later: found out that Le Marais is a few blocks away...and everything is open there on Sundays. And there's a bakery open next block too.) I also found GIANT NUTELLA. Which I really wanted to get as souvenirs back home...but it'd probably make my luggage overweight. =[ The chilled area is also LOVEEEEEEEEE x 1000....I wish we had these in ordinary supermarkets in HK...instead we have like...actually I don't even know what we have anymore. I mostly go to citysuper, where these kinds of chilled desserts sell for $10-$20+ HKD for ONE cup instead of the whole package. Later this afternoon: Went out for a walk because I wanted to go shopping, but even H&M and Zara and all those other big companies are closed. Rainy day too. Ended up in the Rue Montorgueil area, and thankfully the food shops were open!! Let's see what I had on my first day... Welcome to Stohrer, the oldest patisserie in Paris (51, rue Montorgueil - 75002). According to their site, Stohrer was the patissier of Princess Marie Lesczynska (how do you pronounce that anyways?) of Poland, who followed her to Versailles when she married King Louis XV of France. 5 years later, he opened his own patisserie at Rue Montorgueil. I gotta say Princess Marie is a girl of my own heart...I wish I could have my own patissier to follow me wherever I went! Stohrer invented the baba au rhum, and that's what I got (well, a variation of it, the baba chantilly), along with my first canelé in Paris. I struggled with whether or not I should get the millefeuille as well, but decided against it as the Baba Chantilly was huge, and so is the millefeuille. I guess old-school cakes are bigger than the puny ones we make nowadays. Especially the ones in HK (i.e. Tony Wong, Paul Lafayet)...honestly can eat 3 of them at one time and still feel unsatisfied. So goodbye Stohrer for now, I'll be back for sure (actually their savoury things interest me too)... Actually I meant to go to Boulangerie Kayser or Paul on the same street, but both were closed for Sunday, so this other boulangerie it was. There were loads of people lining up for their dinner baguette, and I did the same. I got a ficelle and tore off the top to munch in the street as is tradition..miam miam. Time to go home! Passed by Pain de Sucre on the way home and got a macaron caramel beurre salé from Pain de Sucre, an AMAZING patisserie on Rue Rambuteau VERY close to where I'm living (along with a dozen other amazing shops). And a saffron marshmallow which I devoured on the way home... Today's haul: Goodies from Stohrer, macaron caramel beurre salé from Pain de Sucre, ficelle, and pate de campagne
My appetizer was the macaron, which was a very different texture than the Laduree/PH/JPH ones. Less crunchy, more chewy. I have to say I actually like the Laduree caramel macarons better...but there are some who enjoy this much more and I guess it's just a matter of personal taste. The ficelle was good....with a thick crusty exterior which was bien cuit, to my taste, and a chewy interior. The pate de campagne was a bad idea and I should have bought something fresh from a deli or something...this was from a supermarket. Tasted like...blech. Ended up eating the ficelle on its own which was really really satisfying. Haven't had a REAL canelé for a longgggggggg time, but this was pretty good, with a caramelized flavourful crust and a moist, sweet, custardy interior. Huge, too. The baba chantilly is a brioche, soaked in rum, and topped with whipped cream and berries. There are other versions like the ali-baba filled with pastry cream or the baba au rhum which is just brioche with rum. This thing was SOAKING in rum...I found it too strong and only had 2 bites before giving up...finished off the whipped cream and berries before throwing it away. :( it wasn't boozy in a nice way either...like tiramisu is. Imagine a sponge soaked in rum which oozes out the liquid when you squeeze it...this was like that. Not for me.... Well, that was my first complete day in Paris...hopefully better foodie luck to come! The Oldest Patisserie in Paris 2011-05-17 |
| 整個旅程 (共2篇遊記)
在法國遊玩了9天, 很多朋友提議我們應該多去一, 兩個歐洲國家, 但我們更響往在一個地方慢慢遊逛, 用心感受一下當地的文化, 喜歡這樣的旅程... brunch@laduree 2011-05-15 |
| 整個旅程 (共9篇遊記)
早上由Exis 25的Best Hotel出發>>>>>首先前往Mont Saint Michael觀光,逗留20分鐘後>>>>>駕車直往Cancale>>>>>在Hotel Nuit et Jour放低行李>>>>>到酒店附近海邊餐廳Le Surcouf Restaurant品嚐了一頓海鮮宴>>>>>轉戰La Maison De L'Huitre餐廳外賣生蠔>>>>>到浪漫醉人的小海灣散步>>>>>回旅館休息