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| 整個旅程 (共1篇遊記)
day one: we arrived at Narita at around two thirty and instantly transfered to NEX, after a brief run to catch the coming NEX. the seats were comfortable and it was very, VERY speedy, for we arrived at Shibuya after just an hour. we stayed at Shibuya Excel Tokyu for our trip for its location is superb. for this reason we could immediately go to excellent location 2010-06-26 |
| 整個旅程 (共1篇遊記)
去到日本第二天.. 0 個留言
| 加入你的留言當然要一早起身.. 係酒店食完份簡單早餐就出發啦.. 第一站お台場 首先去海濱公園影下彩虹橋先.. 之後打算去睇1:1高達..不過有電視台拍緊野唔行得埋去.. |
| 整個旅程 (共4篇遊記)
早上:我地一早食完酒店包左既自助早餐,就出發坐地鐡去銀座。朋友介紹我地去Midori食壽司,講明要排隊,所以我地就10點正出門口,點知去到11:15,都要等成個幾鐘成埋到位。不過真係好值得等,我地每一個人都食得好開心好滿足。 下午:食完一頓咁豐富既午餐,我地就叫哥哥位靚女朋友帶我地去Tokyo Midtown食甜品(又係朋友介紹既)。嘩,又要排隊,不過今次好彩d,可以留定名,然後4點先返黎再等埋位。還掂要等,我地就喺六本木行,一路睇路邊既櫻花一路買手信。行到4點我地就返去食甜品,結果等左半個鐘我地十幾個人就慢慢一批批入去食。我地其中有幾個食得既朋友每人叫左幾個黎食,諗住排左咁內點都要食返夠皮。 晚上:食完甜品都成六點幾,我地就搭返地鐡去銀座爸爸一早訂左位既"天一"食左一餐好貴既tempura。因為我地行得實在太多,有兩位朋友食完飯已經冇辦法行去地鐡站,要搭的士返酒店。依個時候我地先知道原來日本的士只係喺自己既區域走黎走去。要由銀座去到新宿真係考起嗰位的士哥哥,不過好彩所有的士都有部GPS,跨區都唔係一個太大既問題,佢地結果坐左成3000幾yen。 平,靚,正 2010-05-05 只係遠望 2010-05-05 必吃Egg Soufflé 2010-05-05 六本木既新鮮空氣 2010-05-05 即炸即食唔油膩 2010-05-05 |
| 整個旅程 (共1篇遊記)
My dear locust tunghok and I decided to go on a trip to Tokyo and Hakone, for the good food and the hot springs. A series of (probably not too rational) decisions have been made along they way and we ended up with 1 night at Tokyo + 2 nights at Hakone + 1 night at Tokyo. The intention for having such a plan was to maximize the time we have to eat and to maximize the time we have at Hakone -- as lazily as possible. The first day of our trip was a bit of a mess. Arrived at the Narita airport just fine but forgotten to account for the hour long wait to clear immigration (thanks to the system which need your fingerprint taken). As a result, after taking N'ex to Shinjuku (it was fortunate that we decided to take N'ex in the first place, since it's probably the fastest way from Narita to Shinjuku), it was already quite late. And it was raining. And we got lost in the underground maze beneath the Shinjuku station, during the late afternoon rush hour. Luckily, the hotel we have chosen was right next to the Shinjuku station. After giving up the possibility of going underground all the way and avoiding the rain, we managed to find the hotel just fine. The first priority after settling down, of course, is to find our first stop at Tokyo -- 麵屋武藏. The first proper meal in Shinjuku 2010-04-27 A small but comfy place 2010-04-27 |
| 整個旅程 (共7篇遊記)
東京遊後有感 0 個留言
| 加入你的留言這次東京遊,令我体驗到很多東西! 常聽人說,日本什麼也好! 日本料理好食,經親身体驗後,雖然味道不錯!但來來去去,不就是刺身、拉麵、壽司、鐵板燒! 怎及得上中華五千年飲食文化,蒸 、炒、煮、炸、燜、燉、焗、燒、煎、燴,般多姿多彩! 說日本料理比中菜好食的人,通常也只是盲目地認為日本什麼也比人優越的。 我個人就非常反對別人崇日。 日本無可否認有很多地方比香港,比中國做得好。 但身為中國人,我們不應只是盲目去崇洋、崇日,而是虛心地學習別人的長處,令自己祖國在各方面也能與人爭一日之長短。 日本女孩子好有氣質,那是因為別人有教養,有些可能自少學習茶道、插花,令他們懂得在適當的場合,表現出自己最優美的一面。而不像香港女仔般,在公眾場合,也可大聲喧嘩。這點非常值得我們學習,亦是我們可以改變的。 日本人有禮貌,亦因為他們教學水平高,國民有書讀。 現今年青一輩的中國人,亦因為讀過書,這點上已經有很大的進步。 我很希望他們能培養出更加有禮貌的下一代,這樣才不枉千年來中國是禮儀之邦的稱號。 |