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共找到 5間酒店 ,正顯示第 1 至 5間酒店 |
A small but comfy place ![]() That isn't much to report for this hotel, really. The room was quite small, like most hotels in Tokyo. The space was just enough to open the luggages and the bed just wide enough for two. The room and the shower room was very clean and tidy, and it was difficult to find anything to co... |
東新宿E-hotel ![]() 呢間酒店有好有壞啦...首先講下好處... 好處: 1.因為08年開..所有設備都好新..包括裝修都係較in..房間好乾淨.. 2.員工都可以用英文溝通..比起其他酒店算不錯喇~~ 3.酒店下面就有lawson同埋對面有間supermarket.. 超方便..肚餓就可以落去買個宵夜...而且supermarket買o既零食比出面平.. 4.酒店隔離... |