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共找到 95間餐廳 ,正顯示第 11 至 20間餐廳 |
相當抵食, 但環境唔好的地方...2011-01-14 我相信唔少旅遊書都有介紹過蔡記生煎/舒蔡記生煎菜飯, 其實係同一間食店來的..睇佢個名就知道佢地最出名的食物就係生煎包同埋菜飯...我自己本旅遊書就用「其貌不揚」來形容呢間食店...去到真係聞名不如見面... 呢度的食物都非常之便宜, 好似生煎包, 就$4/4個, 而菜飯就$7都幾多菜飯, 再加送一碗湯...其他食物... |
一生中必要試的法國菜2013-06-15 還是法律學生的時候,每天不是忙著上課,就是要好好做Notes,準備考試或Job Applications。都沒有甚麼空閒時間。難得有假期,雖然還有一科Take-home Exam,但是也決定要去上海一遊,輕鬆一下。
第一次一起去旅行到上海,去了D強烈推介在外灘三號的Jean Georges。這家法國餐廳是由紐約的米... |
Lost in Lost Heaven2011-07-13 I actually looked it up from the, seeing so many positive comments towards the cuisines here, I decided to give a try when I visited Shanghai. It is a very nice decorated restaurant. A very impressive fusion one. It is very close to the Bund(the popular sightseeing place)... Michelin Luna (共2篇遊記)
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,正顯示第 11 至 13 項資料