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AY-Chung Flour-Rice Noodle, Marvelously special2013-02-16 This rice noodle eatery in Ximending tourist district has actually become my place for breakfast in the past few days. A famous eatery don’t even need opulent décor or comfortable seats as the food itself is the best enticement for new and old customer, such that holding a bowl sitting or s... |
不能不吃的牛肉麵~!!!2014-09-08 我們二人都點了牛肉麵,而我好像又是點了半筋半肉的,另外,店員推介這裏的排骨,所以我們也點了。不過,說實在,個人不太懂得欣賞這個排骨,雖然排骨本身很腍身,但味道一般,我想是我不太喜歡那種調味料的味道吧!
至於牛肉麵,真的很美味!!!!! 雖然覺得味道好像有點過濃,不過,這可是台灣牛肉... buzzhapeace (共5篇遊記)
鼎泰豐 Din Tai Fung (台北, 大安區)
Din Tai Fung, a must in Taipei isn't only a cliché2013-02-16 There has been Din Tai Fung in Hong Kong for many years, but under the hegemony of property tycoons, for every meal you spend, a significant portion of it will become rental for the shop in tourist districts such as TsimShaTsui or Central, which has seen rentals ratcheting up in mu... |
A Hawaiian Girl (共23篇遊記)
是我們點錯食物?還是人氣名店的菜色真的只有如此?2012-08-17 度小月這個名稱對於身在台灣的每位遊客來說,是相當的吸引和熟悉. I must say, 度小月這店的裝潢... A Hawaiian Girl (共23篇遊記)
鼎泰豐 Din Tai Fung (台北, 大安區)
wongvivian86 (共31篇遊記)
充滿藝術氣色的主題餐廳2012-03-10 論環境和裝潢, 伍角船板的確令人震驚. 那些難以理解的藝術作品與設計, 你只可以用"鬼斧神工"和"天馬行空"來形容. 除此之外, 食物種類與味道較為平淡, 缺乏了味覺的刺激. 比起裝潢, 本人還是看重食物品質. A Hawaiian Girl (共23篇遊記)
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Handsome XO (共117篇遊記)
Handsome XO (共117篇遊記)
Handsome XO (共117篇遊記)
Handsome XO (共117篇遊記)
Handsome XO (共117篇遊記)
Handsome XO (共117篇遊記)