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共找到 7間餐廳 ,正顯示第 1 至 7間餐廳 |
Din Tai Fung, a must in Taipei isn't only a cliché ![]() There has been Din Tai Fung in Hong Kong for many years, but under the hegemony of property tycoons, for every meal you spend, a significant portion of it will become rental for the shop in tourist districts such as TsimShaTsui or Central, which has seen rentals ratcheting up in mu... |
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君悅排骨 - Appalling foods you won't believe ![]() The spare rib with no bone at all and is more probably just a piece of pork chop, are deep fried with black pepper sprinkled on the surface, the batter is not crispy and indeed soft, no taste of pork or meat at all, even my home made Brazilian frozen pork chop with marinade tastes much better.... |

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