最近分享過的旅程 |
整個旅程 (共9篇遊記)
溫哥華初到埗的第一天, 差不多當地時間7點落機, 天陰下驟雨, 氣溫約在10度左右, 由於住嘅地方在waterfront附近,第一日市內觀光挺方便的, 由蒸氣鍾起步行至唐人街大概中午時段,當地人一般食午飯時間跟香港一樣都係一點, 為咗唔想太擠迫所以遊蕩多一陣才進入這間玉龍軒, 舖入面地方其實幾大下, 只係門口貼滿點心照片睇落細d咁, 我們兩個人在嘅細枱實質在香港已經可以座四個人,
麻麻地的飲茶 2011-10-22
共 5 個留言 ,正顯示第 1至5 個留言 |
Thanks for Dragon fire anyway 2012-05-15 20:23
203.218.x.x Thanks for your idea 下次先問過你 |
玉龍軒真係麻麻.... 2012-05-15 12:50
69.172.x.x 其實仲有好多有水準O既茶樓,下次再有機會過o黎可以send個e-mail俾我,等我介紹幾間值得去o既啦~ ^^ |
DragonFire (共8篇遊記)
There are many many choices in Vancouver 2011-11-17 16:34
66.183.x.x May be you had limited time. I'd say we get may be 90% of the Chinese food if we want to look for Chinese food. When you get a chance next time, try Kirin on Alberni Street (http://www.kirinrestaurants.com/index.php5?page=downtown) or Sun Sui Wah (www.sunsuiwah.com). They are just the tip of the iceberg of the variety of Chinese food we have! Enjoy! |
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