日本 [
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共找到 483間餐廳 ,正顯示第 31 至 40間餐廳 |
A hidden gem in Aoyama2009-04-25 Run by Alain Ducasse, one of the genii of modern French cuisine, this restaurant offers diners a mix of great atmosphere, delicious food and attentive service. Consider it a great choice for the celebration of special occasions. The place, decorated nicely in classic European styl... |
The first proper meal in Shinjuku2010-04-27 It was at this ramen shop where my locust friend and I faced our first real challenge in Japan. The smell of ramen was very tempting, but... neither of us could read Japanese. It's fine when they have Chinese characters which we could guess the meaning to some degree. Unfortunately, ... |
Quil-fait-bon (東京, 銀座)
次次都要搵1輪先黎到..2010-09-28 第1次黎果陣, 我去完crystal ball行過黎..明明好近, 但係我搵左起碼1個鐘先搵到... 今次我去完築地行過黎, 又係搵幾個字先搵到... 本身我算係唔鍾意食甜品嘅, 喺hk唔會主動要食, 就算自己整嘅蛋糕我一樣一啖都唔食架..但係去旅行就可以食少少嘅, 尤其係我最愛嘅日本添, 再加上我上次去完呢間野覺得佢裝修好靚...所... | 附近景點: |
共找到 255 項資料
,正顯示第 31 至 40 項資料
Handsome XO (共117篇遊記)
Handsome XO (共117篇遊記)
Handsome XO (共117篇遊記)
親友不時都會去日本玩,不過去親都好少會揀食鐵板燒,對被稱為「鐵板始祖」o既「元祖 鉄板焼ステーキ みその」(Steak Misono)更加係聞所未聞,小肥其實都係做旅遊資料搜集時先認識到老店,眼見其中一家分店就喺酒店對面,步行都只需五分鐘,所以亦急不及待要... |
Handsome XO (共117篇遊記)
moritatintin (共9篇遊記)
moritatintin (共9篇遊記)
一出車站,已經有必影位了,就是JR原宿駅,是歷史悠久的木建車站,甚有古色古香的味道,沿車站一直行,就是另一個出閘位,車站對面就是竹下通,十分方便。 先去食蛋包飯,原來有期間限定芝麻街做主題,以Elmo為主力,其實對芝麻街冇咩感覺,不過太想食蛋包飯,就幫襯了。 店內不少芝麻街的精品,樓上就是cafe... |
moritatintin (共9篇遊記)
moritatintin (共9篇遊記)
moritatintin (共9篇遊記)
Check in左搞掂哂所有野都已經接近十二點, 好在新宿區好多深宵依然營業既餐廳, 今次就隨機揀左間24小時營業既磯丸水産餐廳, 真係幾夜食都唔怕. 朋友點左個魚生飯, 筆者就想食熱野嗌左個蟹炒飯, 兩者都好好味, 魚生好新鮮, 白米香而爽脆~ |