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Angelina in Paris is of Austrian origins but nevertheless is one of the must visit institutions much like the lauded Laduree. I haven’t been back here for too many years and last time I walked by I was preparing to have a big meal at Le Meurice next door, so this time around I came back to take some pictures. According to almost every guide book, their 2 most famous items to must order are the Hot Chocolate L’Africain and the Mont Blanc cake, and the former still definitely holds true to this day, but those in the know have probably been previously disappointed by their slightly too hyped up Mont Blanc chestnut cake! The must order item here is probably their more unique Vanilla Crumbled Eclairs. Since I’ve eaten both before, this time around I just concentrated on my croissant and the hot chocolate this time! - The Room is still Beautiful - But on a hot day, there is no Air Conditioning. So I was literally sweating in here like sitting in a Sauna whilst drinking my Hot Chocolate.. - Croissant - The Viennoiseries here are great as always. The laminated dough looked superbly layered, with a crispy crust but was probably a too soft inside and could do with more butteriness. On it’s own, this is already a good croissant. But I have had a few which were even better, including Le Grenier a Pain, Sadaharu Aoki, Pierre Herme, etc. ~ 7/10 - Hot Chocolate L’Africain - The one I compare this to directly is the La Maison du Chocolat version. This is also very viscous thick but probably less intense in bitterness, although at the same time also less fruitier. This is very well balanced… Probably less challenging or hardcore, but as an everyday drink this would be my more preferred choice over the VERO or La Maison du Chocolat version. It’s good, if only the shop provides any air conditioning! ~ 8/10 - Croissant - The Viennoiseries here are great as always. The laminated dough looked superbly layered, with a crispy crust but was probably a too soft inside and could do with more butteriness. On it’s own, this is already a good croissant. But I have had a few which were even better, including Le Grenier a Pain, Sadaharu Aoki, Pierre Herme, etc. ~ 7/10 此遊記內的評論: 0 個留言
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第一次認識沙特爾大教堂,是在求學時期。當時在一科有關哥德式教堂建築特色課堂上,教授給我們看沙特爾教堂的照片。當時只知道沙特爾大教堂是最具代表性的哥德式的教堂,而且在1979年已獲得UNESCO World Heritage。看著一幅幅的照片已經很神往。今年八月尾,終於有機會親睹大教堂的芳容了。亦因為宗教與中世紀的生活是密不可分,所以在七天的旅程中,我們也嘗試體驗中世紀的物和事。 此遊記內的評論: 1 個留言
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| Crystal郵輪歐遊美食之旅 (法國, 直布羅陀(英國), 摩納哥, 葡萄牙, 英格蘭, 意大利) (旅程日期: 2012-05-24 至 2012-06-04 , 旅程性質: 觀光攝影, 飲食購物, 消閒度假) 整個旅程 (共12篇遊記)
5月28日(天晴):Crystal Serenity Day #5 之 At Sea 郵輪往葡萄牙航行期間,我地有成日時間喺海中心活動。雖然唔洗一大清早去觀光,不過小肥都八點前起身上去十三樓按摩。時間真係幾緊迫架,因為按摩後,要趕十點前沖完涼,落返去六樓睇Nobu先生教煮餸。上完烹飪堂,孝順o既小肥同中肥就陪媽咪拉左陣老虎機,十二點正就上去Lido Cafe食自助餐。 下午節目同樣豐富。1:15pm,大家先過Lido Cafe對面o既Palm Court坐落黎等上Slow Waltz堂;一邊飲酒飲咖啡,一邊跳舞,high爆!兩點鐘又急忙落去六樓賭場參加拉機比賽。雖則我地幾個都失望而回,不過玩時都總算係開心過。 四點喺Silk Road有個Sake試酒會,長輩們都驚遲到會冇位坐,所以就約定三點半去霸位。飲左幾杯酒,個午餐又食得早,大家就索性留喺度等壽司吧六點鐘開門,繼續飲Sake食魚生。Happy Hour過後,我地一齊去Galaxy Lounge睇show,然後就落去Dining Room食晚飯。飲飽食醉當然係要散散步啦,不過小肥之後都係要拉多陣機先捨得去訓。 此遊記內的評論: 0 個留言
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| Crystal郵輪歐遊美食之旅 (法國, 直布羅陀(英國), 摩納哥, 葡萄牙, 英格蘭, 意大利) (旅程日期: 2012-05-24 至 2012-06-04 , 旅程性質: 觀光攝影, 飲食購物, 消閒度假) 整個旅程 (共12篇遊記)
5月27日(天晴):Crystal Serenity Day #4之 Bordeaux 郵輪河第四日,朝早Crystal Serenity 繼續停泊喺Bassens。同早一日一樣,哥哥預先book定左個私人觀光團,不過導遊唔同左,轉左位較後生o既Sybil小姐;雖然佢冇好似Lucille咁早到,不過都尚算準時,只係我地心急早左,結果食左半個鐘頭西北風。 此遊記內的評論: 0 個留言
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| 整個旅程 (共6篇遊記)
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