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    共找到 48 項資料 ,正顯示第 21 至 30 項資料
    Crystal Galaxy Lounge (意大利)
    Crystal Serenity Deck 6

    六月四日乃我地今次郵輪河o既最後一日,所以Crystal特別安排左一場告別綜合節目表演,演出者包括The MacDonald Brothers,我地位Cruise Director Gary Hunter先生,郵輪上o既跳舞老師,以及鋼琴家“Where’s-your-house-key”先生。可以再一次欣...

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    Handsome XOHandsome XO (共117篇遊記)

    S. Croce Cafe (佛羅倫斯)
    Piazza S. Croce - 50122 - Firenze
    +39 055 2479896

    行完成日,天氣都由多雲轉為天晴!團長見午餐後大家都曬左幾粒鐘,而且離集合時間仲有半個鐘,就揀左間喺Santa Croce廣場o既咖啡室度嘆個下午茶。咖啡室喺Finisterrae餐廳旁,因為忘記左攞咭片,確認唔到咖啡室個名,單憑menu上寫有"S. Croce "字句,唯有估計咖啡室名為"S. Croce Cafe"


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    Handsome XOHandsome XO (共117篇遊記)

    Le Antiche Carrozze (佛羅倫斯)
    Via Santissimi Apostoli, 66 50123 Firenze, Italy
    +39 055 265 8156

    正當大肥爸爸為Salvatore Ferragamo Museum休息而感到失望之際,佢個肚比較現實,開始打鼓,咁啱又比佢喺博物館斜對面見到一間意大利餐廳Le Antiche Carrozze: Trattoria Pizzeria (Pizza Restaurant)。經團長姨媽同意之後,大家就行左入去醫肚。餐廳標榜其pizza都係用clay oven焗製,可惜同行...

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    Handsome XOHandsome XO (共117篇遊記)

    Trattoria Mario (佛羅倫斯)
    Via Rosina, 2r | Corner of Piazza del Mercato Centrale, 50123 Florence, Italy
    T-T 好吃的要哭啊要哭笑臉2013-05-03
    ATE WHAT THEIR STAFFS EAT. definitely we ordered steak, 800g, the first bite was a shock, gosh, it was over cooked?! not that pink at all. we looked around, and found out that it was quite normal. after a few bites, it became better and more juicy. especially the last bit... [ 更多 ]
    usagi suenusagi suen (共24篇遊記)

    da Nerbone (佛羅倫斯)
    Mercato Centrale, 50123 Florence, Italy
    T-T 回味无穷的牛肚包啊喵笑臉2013-05-03
    lampredotto,lampredotto,lampredotto,lampredotto,!!!! i really wanna go back and order dozen of lampredotto!!!! omg, it was so juicy and damn delicious. i think i must addict to lampredotto now! thank my boy took me there, and order for me!!! 
    great in door market, and great de... [ 更多 ]
    usagi suenusagi suen (共24篇遊記)

    Il Luogo di Aimo e Nadia (米蘭)
    Via Montecuccoli, 6, 20147 Milan, Italy
    意大利菜Fusion 菜西餐廳
    happy birthday , mio amore!笑臉2013-05-03

    Shut up and taste it! As a Michelin starred restaurant, size of each dishes was fairly enough, even, compare with other Michelins, quite big I can say. LoL. In Gordon Ramsay, you might just get 2 frog legs in one dish lol, but here you might have 5more. 
    Anyway , food was t...

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    usagi suenusagi suen (共24篇遊記)

    Osteria Ae Sconte (威尼斯)
    Castello, 5533, 5533 Venice, Italy (San Marco)
    39 041 5239592
    what a found!!! felt lucky!笑臉2013-05-03
    Food was wonderful! Fresh, sweet, and not grassy at all, flavour was so clear and last. We've ordered Spaghetti slle seppie. So lovely ! Heavenly delicious. Fried mixed fish was freshly sweet and crispy, springkle with lemon juice, yum. Carpaccio was also excellent.... [ 更多 ]
    usagi suenusagi suen (共24篇遊記)

    riviera (威尼斯)
    Dorsoduro 1473 | Zattere - San Basilio, 30123 Venice, Italy
    +39 041 522 7621
    地中海菜Fusion 菜西餐廳
    SUCH A TREAT笑臉2013-05-03
    We didn't make a reservation ahead. But we were so lucky that night. We went there around seven, have been told that they are fully booked. Suddenly, manager came out and told us just now one table had been cancelled ! L... [ 更多 ]
    usagi suenusagi suen (共24篇遊記)

    VyTa Boulangeria Italiana (羅馬)
    Roma, Termini


    小弟同太太第一次去歐洲玩, 第一站是意大利的羅馬, 雖然一句意大利文都唔識, 但無阻去增廣見聞的決心 (是關小弟都唔細, 依家唔玩都唔知幾時有得玩!)

    OK, 酒店Check-In完後, 立即跑去羅馬最繁忙的鐵路站-Roma Termini 揾野食先. 見到一間叫VyTa Boulangeria Italiana (link) 的輕...

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    csh16888csh16888 (共1篇遊記)

    CAFFE DUOMO (佛羅倫斯)
    10歐的set dinner!!ok喇2012-09-25

    走到7時就去吃晚飯....為了鼓勵一下自己..去吃10歐的set dinner!!


    回到hostel  收拾一下第2天帶去cinque terre的bb行李袋...


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    wkm30446127wkm30446127 (共6篇遊記)