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喺名店廣場行咗一陣,因為大家都有啲肚餓,所以就一邊行,一邊搵野食。唔記得邊個團友咁好眼呢,好似係最為食o既大肥呀,居然喺條橫行度發現咗間意大利餐廳。經團長同意之後,我地就入咗去搵位,不過好奇怪,餐廳入面明明有位,但係姐姐仔堅決要我地坐出面。喺橫行食野,XO仔都係第一次,莫非依啲就係歐洲文化?!身... |
Handsome XO (共117篇遊記)
wkm30446127 (共6篇遊記)
Carbonara- the texture of the spaghetti was more than just al dente. It was slightly chewy and yet well done. I just love the way how Italian cooks pasta. The cheese sauce was really rich with extra parmasan sprinkled on top which was my favourite. It's a shame that the sauce was sl... |
Cherriehui (共6篇遊記)