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意大利 [ 轉換國家/地點 ]
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  • 類別:餐廳餐廳  酒店酒店  景點景點
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    Cioccolati Italiani (米蘭)
    Via San Raffaele, 6, Milano, 意大利
    經過十多小時長途飛行,終於降落意國北部fashion capital——米蘭。趁趕火車到威尼斯的空檔,在米蘭逛逛。從Duomo的地鐵站出來,先拍過米蘭大教堂和到艾曼紐二世迴廊(Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II)朝聖一下後,決定到附近小街小巷看看。

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    samcoralsamcoral (共9篇遊記)

    Il Luogo di Aimo e Nadia (米蘭)
    Via Montecuccoli, 6, 20147 Milan, Italy
    意大利菜Fusion 菜西餐廳
    happy birthday , mio amore!笑臉2013-05-03

    Shut up and taste it! As a Michelin starred restaurant, size of each dishes was fairly enough, even, compare with other Michelins, quite big I can say. LoL. In Gordon Ramsay, you might just get 2 frog legs in one dish lol, but here you might have 5more. 
    Anyway , food was t...

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    usagi suenusagi suen (共24篇遊記)

    OL (米蘭)
    this resturant is a very very locate resturant.. it's not very commerical at all. If you take metro.. You still need to walk for 15 mins or more... -___- and we kinda get lost... but yeah.. i guess it's worth it..cuz i tried the best pasta in town =D

    so when i got there it's lunch time,... [ 更多 ]
    superyumiloversuperyumilover (共7篇遊記)

    360 (米蘭)
    意大利菜Fusion 菜私房菜
    5 star!!!笑臉2010-07-21
    my birthday dinner @ mialno =D
    thank Q for martha showing us to go there...a veryvery"underground" and secret place. The location is around a very artistic street ... full of galeries.. pubs..
    kinda weird to hv sucha nice resturant around!

    When we got there, we were the only perso... [ 更多 ]
    superyumiloversuperyumilover (共7篇遊記)