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| 整個旅程 (共5篇遊記)
新加Bore 對香港人來說都真係幾悶下,但今年日本那邊天災也加強了到這裡的意欲. 0 個留言
| 加入你的留言但是這兒的咖啡屋也開了一些有特色的說的當然不是阿坤的KOPI而是真咖啡啦. |
| 整個旅程 (共1篇遊記)
新加坡雖然以它最"熱"情的姿態歡迎我們, 但不減四處覓食的原始本能. 今次除咗食得過癮, 住都好鬼正. Are you ready? 一齊分享如何可以住得招積同食多D的秘訣. 美食當前, 又點會覺飽? 我睇完自己的遊記, 又不禁想再去多次! 服務一流, 價錢合理 2011-05-24 適合一家大細, 樂也融融 2011-05-24 大件, 抵食 2011-05-24 重點推介 2011-05-24 |
| Eat, Shoot, Play in Singapore, May 2011 (新加坡) (旅程日期: 2011-05-14 至 2011-05-17 , 旅程性質: 觀光攝影, 飲食購物, 消閒度假) 整個旅程 (共1篇遊記)
Two days ago I celebrated the end to my exam period by having a delicious buffet BBQ dinner at Habitu the Restonate; the morning after my family and I flew to Singapore for a serious, relaxing trip which we three all need. Work has deprived us of the life we should be enjoying, and I was more than happy to see the exam go, and summer craze moves in to take its place. We booked onto the Cathay Pacific flight early in the morning and after the last taste of Hong Kong condensed into a piggy bun with condensed milk and butter, washed down with hot milk tea, we flew 23.5 latitude south to Singapore, a place we last visited two years ago. Why Singapore while there are better destinations for a summer trip? Simple – Singapore is full of good food. From Kaya toast to Laksa, we love them all. Singapore is well-known for its diversity in culture and attempts of uniting the races have not brought cuisines together down into the melting pot, cooked into something that’s neither this nor that. Instead, the authentic tastes are much preserved in the little country, and interestingly, mostly by hawkers’ centres scattered all over the North, East, South and West of the country. So the problem with the trip is not WHAT we should eat; the issue is what we should eat FIRST. It was indeed difficult to rank the food we want to try and fit them into the itinerates of our trip. Should we have the Hainanese Chicken first, or the satay? But oh there is this very nice Kway Deow that the blogger says is a must-try. So where should we eat first? After numerous discussions (and more discussions during meals) we finally sorted out how to eat the most without stuffing ourselves to death (and gaining weight..) within the limited time we have. At two in the afternoon we finally landed in Singapore, after a turbulent flight on the worn CX flight. Of course, I skipped my flight meal. Nothing tasted worst than flight meals and I’d rather stay starved than eating that. I was not feeling hungry as I had a nice breakfast before flying and more importantly, I had way better food coming that deserved the calorie quota better. The new landmark of Singapore? 2011-05-21 A hidden gem at Lor 9, Geylang 2011-05-21 0 個留言
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| 整個旅程 (共3篇遊記)
但係,係係地去新加坡之前/ 到步之後, 可以準備幾樣野. 錢,當然唔少得囉. 另外就係 d/l 2個好用既apps!! 一個叫 "SBS Transit iris" 可以check到你最近既bus stop係邊, 架bus去到邊. 預時間去bus stop,唔洗係條街企咁熱!! 另一個係Comfortdelgro taxi booking~ 有時搵唔到MRT/bus, 又舉手冇taxi (SG唔係通街都有上到taxi, 大部係mall有taxi stand,但係條龍成日都勁長), 呢個時侯就可以try呢個app, 唔識講英文都用到.勁方便!btw, 整番張easylink (即係HK既optopus) 都幾好,坐bus又平D, 坐mrt又唔洗return張ticket. GOOD!! enjoy ur trip :) |
| 整個旅程 (共2篇遊記)
以下是我們第二天的行程: 亞洲大象園中的動物約會 2011-05-16 熱帶農稼園中的約會 2011-05-16 其它地方的動物約會 2011-05-16 |
| 整個旅程 (共2篇遊記)
我們4人第一次去新加坡探望大舅父,大舅父知道我喜歡動物&biology&nature,所以他會帶我們去參觀全新加坡最大&最出名動物園(唯一一個?)。我們會分兩天去動物園參觀(世界上會有人分兩天去參觀動物園嗎?) 以下是我們第一天的動物園行程: 雨林庭院中的動物約會 2011-05-16 原野非洲中的動物約會 2011-05-16 脆弱森林&爬行類專區中的動物約會 2011-05-16 |
| 整個旅程 (共1篇遊記)
第2次去呢個好清潔好有禮貌 GE 地方 | |+ +| | 新加坡 | |- - -| | SINGAPORE 日日好熱 23-28度 但唔似HONG KONG 一熱就熱到個人會燘 當地人好少開AIR-CON 好環保 個到風景好令 四周都係樹 好舒服 冇左一種好焗GE感覺 個到好少SINGAPORE LOCAL 人 好多馬拉人同華人 主要用英文 國語 同 馬拉話 大部分SIGN NOTICE 都係用英文 如果英文好差一定要拎字典 D人好簡單 覺得好有教養(好願意幫陌生人)超LIKE 佢地 如果去玩3-4日就好夠 因為地方好細 ikea 找出新鮮感 2011-04-21 魚尾獅大酒店 2011-04-21 我都E為去左日本 2011-04-21 不可錯過 2011-04-21 |
| 整個旅程 (共1篇遊記)
因為未嚟過新加坡, 而且而家d人又咁興去呢度, 見cx holidays有平package, 我地咪嚟湊下熱鬧囉! 初初以為會有d悶, 點知原來都ok...d野仲幾好食添...爭d食到行唔郁ar.. 令我非常滿意嘅酒店 2010-10-11 出名嘅文華海南雞飯 2010-10-11 好好好味.. 2010-10-11 只係mandarin的10分1價錢! 2010-10-11 好好味, 1定會再去... 2010-10-11 durian lover 1定要試... 2010-10-11 Weekend Champagne Brunch - 正! 2010-10-11 |