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  • 巴塞羅那
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  • 類別:餐廳餐廳  酒店酒店  景點景點
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    共找到 1 項資料
    Dino Gelato (巴塞羅那)
    They are all over the place!
    Stickiest Gelato in Town笑臉2013-10-18
    Not a huge fan of desserts and cakes, I can just never resist icecreams, gelatos, frozen yoghurts.

    In Barcelona, Gelaterias are all over the place, especially along La Rambla. They even sell them in Boqueria! You can get them for as cheap as 1.90 euros per scoop at a store on L... [ 更多 ]
    CherriehuiCherriehui (共6篇遊記)