韓國 [
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沒有時差的我,八點起身食早餐。由於想早點外出血拼,所以我地就揀左呢度的自助早餐… 好豐富真係乜都有 由西式的蛋呀,茄汁豆到中式的粥都有 當然唔少得就係日式的食物同埋韓式食品啦。 先來一個沙律,再黎一個蛋白。 接著就係大戰粟米片 然後就一堆未食過既野,包括spicy 的小小軟腳蟹=_=!! 最後就以紫... |
天寒地凍…原本係想食冷麵,可惜找不到。 唯有到明洞這間店到食… 入去第一件事…除衫,除外套不過都有少少凍凍地…但係如果著住黎食又BULKY, 又唔會保暖。 先黎一個湯,非常正常…紫菜湯… (真係唔明點解香港果D 鹹到呢…想死。) 紫菜包飯到,飯味十分香,其實又係一D 好平衡的感覺,點解? 韓國人一... |
終於訓醒,三點幾﹐最好食D 野醫下肚 三點幾的明洞人唔算多,路邊攤亦唔算多… 求鬼其去左間叫新堂洞年糕開我既首爾第一餐… 拿拿林叫左個紫菜包飯同埋一個牛肉湯先… 先黎小食…韓國人的餐一定會有的餐前小食 味道唔錯喎…又唔算好Spicy well 湯同紫菜包飯都黎左… 先試下個Kimbip先…每個都唔同味既…... |
If you watch Korean drama, you will see the Koreans often go to those street stalls under the red tent along the road. These red tent food stalls serve similar functions as Hong Kong's Dai Pai Dang, where nice convenient fast food is served. The ambiance is one of the main selling p... |
Food Craver (共1篇遊記)
Since the first day I knew the word Froyo, I have been told about Red Mango. While the American says Red Mango tastes so much better than the froyo in HK, Red Mango has no branch in Hong Kong and I could not try it or compare it to any other froyo store in Hong Kong. Whe... |
Food Craver (共1篇遊記)
Last year when I was shopping in Myeongdong, I passed by Yoogane and saw a pizza looking fried rice on an iron plate through the restaurant's window. I dined in and absolutely like it. So this time I went back again for their lovely Chicken Galbi Fried Rice! |
Food Craver (共1篇遊記)
到東大門逛了一會,肚子又餓起來了.乘一個站地鐵到惠化吃三層肉.在首爾吃肉果然不便宜,最便宜的一片也要W8000 (港幣 $59),6人分2鍋,每邊要了紅酒熟成豬肉,紅酒熟成三花肉和紅酒熟成五花肉各一片. 肉來前,不同的前菜和醬料就放在桌上準備好了.還有一籃菜和加了辣醬的蔥.菜是可以加添的.很快三片肥豬肉便... |