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    共找到 15 項資料 ,正顯示第 1 至 10 項資料
    慕尼黑-雜記 (慕尼黑)

    在慕尼黑每晚都有通宵火車開往斯洛文尼亞,開23:40,早上6:00到達Ljubljana盧布爾雅那。我們預先在香港透過raileurope網頁訂票,頭等卧舖HK$756一個人,獨立房間有2張床,還有洗臉盆,臨到站還有人morning call,服務真的幾好! 結果當然一覺訓天光!

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    十一居十一居 (共6篇遊記)

    Erdinger啤酒廠 (慕尼黑)
    Brewery Tour - 從釀酒到裝箱笑臉2013-02-20

    乘搭S2線到總站Erding再轉巴士530/540在Franz-Brombach-Strase站下車(巴士時間表:http://www.erding.de/download/busplan2012_web.pdf),全程約一小時便可以到達Erdinger啤酒廠。他們的brewery tour需要先在網上預約 (http://www.erdinger.de/en/erdinger-weissbier-company/br...

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    十一居十一居 (共6篇遊記)

    新市政廳及聖母教堂 (慕尼黑)


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    十一居十一居 (共6篇遊記)

    Linderhof, Neuschwanstein & Oberammergau (慕尼黑)
    Day 2.童話世界般的城堡笑臉2013-01-04

    是日行程 新天鵝堡是也

    想去的地方太多 還是參加Local tour最實際


    第一站是Linderhof 唯一在King Ludwig II在世時完工的城堡

    作為Louis XIV的崇拜者 Linderhof可是參考Versailles建造的 

    其中最為突出的房間可謂Hall of Mirrors

    利用鏡子的折射 增...

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    a_tinggga_tinggg (共5篇遊記)

    Dachau Concentration Camp (慕尼黑)
    Day 1.Dachau集中營2013-01-04

    想不到到了幕尼黑已經下起雪來 還要是大雪

    Dachau集中營 據說這是屬於早期建造的





    由於是早期興建 經費較多

    相比起波蘭的 這個環境可好多

    ... [ 更多 ]
    a_tinggga_tinggg (共5篇遊記)

    慕尼黑啤酒節 (慕尼黑)

    食完飯後大家戰意高昂, 開始浩浩蕩蕩向啤酒節進發. 啤酒節場地非常大, 人非常多. 我從未在德國任何一個地方見過這麽多人, 看來啤酒節的確是德國的全民盛事. 遊客如我們固然不少, 但德國人起碼佔了過半數, 男男女女都穿上傳統服裝周圍走.

    啤酒節其實就是一個大型的嘉年華會. 每個啤酒牌子都搭起了一個大帳篷, 比如Pau...

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    MLKMMLKM (共29篇遊記)

    Oktoberfest (慕尼黑)

    Oktoberfest is a 16-day festival held each year in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, running from late September to early October. It is one of the most famous events in Germany and the world's largest fair, with some six million people attending every year. The Oktoberfest is an importa...

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    wcwc (共28篇遊記)

    Neues Rathaus (慕尼黑)
    Neues Rathaus笑臉2010-08-18
    The New Town Hall (German: Neues Rathaus) is a town hall at the northern part of Marienplatz in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. It hosts the city government including the city council, offices of the mayors and part of the administration. In 1874 the municipality had left the... [ 更多 ]
    wcwc (共28篇遊記)

    Hofbrauhaus (慕尼黑)

    The Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München (state court-brewery in Munich, also Hofbräu München) is a brewery in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, owned by the state government. The Hof (court) comes from the brewery's history as a royal brewery in the ...

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    wcwc (共28篇遊記)

    Marienplatz (慕尼黑)
    Marienplatz (en: Mary's Square, i.e. St. Mary, Our Lady's Square) is a central square in the city center of Munich, Germany since 1158.
    Marienplatz was named after the Mariensäule, a Marian column erected in its centre in 1638 to celebrate the end of Swedish occupat... [ 更多 ]
    wcwc (共28篇遊記)