法國 [
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中午時份,陽光充沛。挑了一間小餐廳,坐在外面開揚得很,叫人神清氣爽。 顏色,永遠有不可思議的魔力。點了一份三文魚沙律,上桌時充滿鮮艷色彩,未吃已令人心情興奮!所有食材都很新鮮,輕輕灑上檸檬汁,更增食味,完全是吃出原始的味道。 一邊呷著香檳,看著氣泡;一邊享受著陽... |
為 食 龍 少 爺 SiuYeah (共18篇遊記)
頂尖的食材無疑是烹調一流美食的先決條件,但包裝與心思都是不可缺少的重點。到過法國的朋友應該會對「 Leon de Bruxelles」 這食肆不會陌生,它在法國是有相當多的分店。 「Leon」主打吃青口,煮的焗的燴的都有。特別在於餐牌上用上了漫畫,非常有心思,令看餐牌也變成一件賞心閱目... |
為 食 龍 少 爺 SiuYeah (共18篇遊記)
巴黎貴為「品味之都」,到處都是咖啡店、餐廳、畫廊、博物館、名牌時裝店。隨街都是好吃的,邊吃邊逛,處處都能感染到其獨特的潮流氣息。 與倫敦不同,巴黎到處都有好吃的餐廳,幾乎不用用心發掘。這裡人人都是烹調好手,每戶餐廳都有招牌菜,這對愛吃的人是何等上好的福音。 ... |
為 食 龍 少 爺 SiuYeah (共18篇遊記)
6月7日,有朋自遠方來,緊係搵又好味,價錢又合理的法國餐廳擦返餐。 係法國book枱食飯,推介用"叉.com",唔使講法文,仲有時會有折,今次有30%off。(飲品除外) Le Jeroboam係一間warm & cozy的餐廳,環境舒適雅緻,不過唔覺有冷氣,啱啱入去會有d熱。侍應生親切有禮,屬於值得給小費的程度。坐低之... |
5月5日, 今天打算到Notre Dame旁邊小島, 嘗嘗傳說中巴黎最美味的雪糕Berthillon. 按網路上的地址到了Berthillon, 晴天霹靂, 竟然沒營業!! 門口的Notice寫著到5月10日才營業, 一定是老闆襯法國長假期跑去玩了. 本來打算下次再來, 但發現旁邊多間餐廳的門口都排著長長的人龍, 都是買Berthillon雪... |
One of the oldest institutions in Paris’s Haute Cuisine fine dining scene, I locked in this restaurant to visit and after a 2nd try was finally granted my wish. After consulting friends and foodies who visit Parisfrequently, it was interesting many of them also mentio... |
HK Epicurus (共22篇遊記)
A famous Crepe street on Rue du Montparnasse, there weren’t so many Asian faces that I had come to anticipate compared to the likes of Laduree or Angelina. As someone who has a crepe fetish, I have imprinted this street into my mind as the 1st place t... |
HK Epicurus (共22篇遊記)
Breizh Café seems to be the hottest Creperie in Paris nowadays, and many foodies have been carrying this on their lips. The brand also has outlets in Cancale in Brittany, and also in Japan. The menu planning is sensational indeed, carrying anything from the freshe... |
HK Epicurus (共22篇遊記)
Mariage Freres doesn’t need much introduction. It is one of the best known global teas in the world and if that isn’t convincing enough, they were given a prime spot inside The Louvre to represent the best of the best of French Teas. Rose d’Himalaya - W... |
HK Epicurus (共22篇遊記)
Dalloyau is one of the most oldest and traditional style French food shops dating back to 1682, but seems to have dropped off the radar or lost its lustre during recent years. They’re not making much noise lately. Yet, they continue to garner a big following in it’s Japan outle... |
HK Epicurus (共22篇遊記)