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    共找到 97 項資料 ,正顯示第 31 至 40 項資料
    Ladurée (倫敦)
    Ladurée Covent Garden

    這天我來到了London的Covent Garden,到了著名的法國甜品店鋪Lauduree來個下午茶。


    點了一個Praline Napoleon和另外一個咖啡味道的。(仔細的名稱忘了,真的不好意思)


    [ 更多 ]

    Romantic 俄羅斯菜 (倫敦)
    Romanic Russian Dinner笑臉2012-10-04
    第一次食俄羅斯菜, 原來超好食!  服務員個個好似 Model, 服務一流, 食物賣相超美, 又好食!

    有 Magic Show, Live Music, with classical decoration!  情侶必去次選! [ 更多 ]
    chanlaishanchanlaishan (共18篇遊記)

    The Watch House (倫敦)
    Lewisham, London SE13 6JP
    Lunch at The Watch House 笑臉2012-10-04
    我點了魚柳包, 香口之餘配上厚身的著條, 簡宜是絕配!

    他點了牛肉漢堡, 他說好有牛肉味.  每份餐只需港幣 50元.  以這個份量和這個高水準的配搭, 一定要試! [ 更多 ]
    chanlaishanchanlaishan (共18篇遊記)

    Jamie's Italian (倫敦)
    Convent Garden
    Jamie's Italianok喇2012-10-04
    我叫了份魚, 都算幾新鮮, 充滿魚味. 他就叫了份意大利薄牛扒, 不過他說無想像中那麼好味. 另外, 我們叫了份著條, 都算幾脆幾香口.

    最後, 我們四人叫了4份餐同3杯飲品, 總共要港幣成千蚊, 講真, 呢個價錢這個質數, 略為貴了些...

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    chanlaishanchanlaishan (共18篇遊記)

    Richoux (倫敦)
    41a, South Audley Street, W11K2PS
    Richoux 下午茶聞名全倫敦ok喇2012-10-04
    一入到Richou,  已經給店內古典及優美的氣質吸引住.  一坐低, 我們叫了二人份的傳統英式下午茶, 一杯熱朱古力和一杯cappuccino.  跟住有個侍應手拿各式不同蛋糕, 供我們選擇.

    當下午茶一上桌, 我們都被這些美麗的蛋糕外型吸引住.    下午茶餐盤最上層的是士多啤梨蛋糕, 及黑朱古力 Mousse 蛋糕.  ... [ 更多 ]
    chanlaishanchanlaishan (共18篇遊記)

    Misato, All Star Lanes, Burger & Lobster, Strada (倫敦)
    食左咁多餐, 值得一評就係呢四間: Misato, All Star Lanes, Burger & Lobster, Strada
    Misato - 位於唐人街附近, 咁多年都係咁大碟, 啱晒D貧苦學生, 可惜質素差左, 但以性價比黎講, 依然超值
    All Star Lanes - 位於Westfield Stratford City, 特別唔係野食, 而係間餐廳可以碌齡
    Bur... [ 更多 ]
    Glasgow KissGlasgow Kiss (共5篇遊記)

    The Orangery (倫敦)
    Sense of Highnessok喇2012-08-30
    Situated in the Kensington Gardens, I definitely felt a sense of superiority and highness. 
    The Orangery, as its name suggests, is a place which is surrounded by fruit trees and gardens, producing an elegant and comfortable atmosphere. What amazed me of the Orangery was its Victorian a... [ 更多 ]
    wvillaswvillas (共4篇遊記)

    The Wellington (倫敦)
    the wellington
    so good to be Britishok喇2012-08-30
    This traditional British pub is located in Westminster. The closest tube (underground) station would be Charing Cross and it is also quite close to the river as well. So personally, it is strongly suggested to have a stroll after having a wonderful meal at the pub.
    The Wellington us... [ 更多 ]
    wvillaswvillas (共4篇遊記)

    Marquais Cornwallis (倫敦)
    31 Marchmont Street, , London, WC1N 1AP

    是日sunday menu,我們選了 roasts menu

    1) warm pork belly with yorkshire pudding - 脆卜卜的燒腩仔實在令我們回味,離港久了,自然會對香港美食思念;加上焗薯和yorkshire pudding,很夾 
    2) 1/2 shropshire chicken with lemon and herb butter - 我就是永遠吃不...

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    速遊歐.周速遊歐.周 (共5篇遊記)