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chanlaishan (共18篇遊記)
食左咁多餐, 值得一評就係呢四間: Misato, All Star Lanes, Burger & Lobster, Strada Misato - 位於唐人街附近, 咁多年都係咁大碟, 啱晒D貧苦學生, 可惜質素差左, 但以性價比黎講, 依然超值 All Star Lanes - 位於Westfield Stratford City, 特別唔係野食, 而係間餐廳可以碌齡 Bur... |
Glasgow Kiss (共5篇遊記)
Glasgow Kiss (共5篇遊記)
Situated in the Kensington Gardens, I definitely felt a sense of superiority and highness. The Orangery, as its name suggests, is a place which is surrounded by fruit trees and gardens, producing an elegant and comfortable atmosphere. What amazed me of the Orangery was its Victorian a... |
This traditional British pub is located in Westminster. The closest tube (underground) station would be Charing Cross and it is also quite close to the river as well. So personally, it is strongly suggested to have a stroll after having a wonderful meal at the pub. The Wellington us... |
我們實在太餓,便隨便到一家餐廳開飯 |
除左五樓Crystal Dining Room之外,Crystal Serenity郵輪上仲有兩間主題餐廳;一間係意大利餐廳 Prego,另一間係日式Fusion餐廳 Silk Road。兩間主題餐廳都只供應晚餐,而且座位有限,建議大家上船之前就好訂定位。餐牌上o既食物唔會變,我地人數算多,所以去左兩晚已經可以試哂所有菜式。 Silk R... |
Handsome XO (共117篇遊記)
Handsome XO (共117篇遊記)
雖然Crystal Serenity船上有其他餐廳,不過我地差不多每晚都會去Crystal Dining Room 食。Crystal Dining Room晚餐有兩輪,為方便日頭上岸遊玩,近黃昏上返船之後有時間去睇每晚不同o既精彩表演,我地選擇食八點半開波o既第二輪,唔洗咁趕。 第一晚o既Bon Voyage Dinner有Crystal特別訂製o既餐碟... |
Handsome XO (共117篇遊記)
Handsome XO (共117篇遊記)