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Roychoi2007 (共11篇遊記)
今日簡左去sushi lano去食lunch.呢間係一間由一對夫妻開GE SUSHI 店。 一開始送上GE係毛豆+ Meso soupz。個人唔中意個豆類食物,Meso soup間間都差唔多味 原本重有個salad, 但我唔記左影相.之後送上我要GE Sashimi + Sushi Lunch Box。因我簡左坐係chef前面個個位,睇到佢係到整sushi... |
Roychoi2007 (共11篇遊記)
Wonton with rice noodle. After reading all the reviews of this restaurant, i finally gave it a shot. Taking the 99 for more than 35 min to get to the main street in Boardway, eventually i found this restaurant. Since I really miss the Wondon rice noodle in HK, I decided to order... |
Roychoi2007 (共11篇遊記)
Roychoi2007 (共11篇遊記)
Roychoi2007 (共11篇遊記)
Roychoi2007 (共11篇遊記)
In general, it is not a very good dim sum place, but also not bad. A little bit pricey considering food quality. Options of food are too limited |
Roychoi2007 (共11篇遊記)
Being a exchange student of UBC, i am already tired of the horrible food in UBC. As a student from HK, I am really picky about food. But connie's cookhouse is a great place to go. I ordered hot squid with rice and hot and sour soup. Food is in general good, especially conside... |
Roychoi2007 (共11篇遊記)
DragonFire (共8篇遊記)
還記得那天在電台節目中的主持提及一所已很久沒去光顧的餐廳,正好解救了在為選擇用膳地點而苦思的我們。 這所分店的外型頗是有趣的,以歐陸式斜尖頂小屋的設計而成。進店後有點意想不到的是,已坐滿了近七成的座位,更令人驚訝的是有一半左右的客人竟是華人來的,想不到這店的熱香餅也真的能吸引到不同文化的人來光顧... |
DragonFire (共8篇遊記)