dt: Thanks. We actually do not have enough time to go around the whole Tasmania. But sure I will visit again!! I love that place very much. Really beautiful!
crazyfrog: I've replied on the message board. But sorry this may not be a very helpful information.
, 最鍾意遊覽自然景觀,歷史建築/遺跡,城市風貌,展覽館/博物館, 住宿通常會揀4星酒店,渡假村。
最近分享過的旅程 |
整個旅程 (共8篇遊記)
最後一日了,真係十萬個唔捨得!! 估唔到九日既旅行話咁快就完結.....
今日無咩行程, 因為我地三點九機返香港..不過我地最後一日都約左衰佬既朋友仔食早/午餐...今次去左北京拉麵店度食...Honey話佢以前好鍾意呢度既牛肉拉麵~~
三個人叫左四樣野..食飽飽出發去機場了...估唔到, 我地竟然o係澳洲買電子產品呢..haha~~因為實在太平了...Honey買左部panasonic 810萬像既相機..而我就買左samsung 4gb mp3 player...haha...兩部都係係aud99.9..大約港紙500多少少...真係好平呢...我部mp3機係香港要賣成8xx架~~~haha~~~真係好. 估唔到最大既手信係呢樣呢...!!
上到飛機, 因為係下午既關係, 完全瞓唔著..所以同Honey不斷睇戲.....睇左三套, 已經好攰了..所以恰左一陣....夜晚十點幾到香港lu~~其實都有少少掛住香港既.^^
依依不捨 2009-07-27
共 3 個留言 ,正顯示第 1至3 個留言 |
Great Planning 2009-09-16 23:25
116.49.x.x It's really great to be able to visit 3 different places within 9-10days. If you had visited Cradle Mountain in Tasmania, that will add further value to your trip. That is just BEAUTIFUL!! Excellent reference for those who will be visiting Australia! |
nice trip 2009-09-14 22:48
58.177.x.x trips sound very good ....wanner know the budget for this trip ( including meal , transport , hote etc...) |
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