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,正顯示第 81 至 88 項資料
Before we took the sightseeing train to watch the beautiful scenery, we were still walking back and forth, wondering where should we have lunch. However, on our way to the JR station, we noticed there's a resort painted in white colour. So we stopped and had a look at the menu. We then enter... |
遊完花見小路後, 我倆就返回京都站. 因為天氣太冷了, 我順理成章在Porta 地下街添置少少衣服. 八點鐘過後大部份商店已關門, 我倆都肚餓了. 見到呢間餐廳前的旦包飯好吸引, 所以決定一試. 旦包飯款式都幾多, 我揀了最穩陣的肉醬旦包飯. 而男友仔揀左個我都唔知係乜東東的旦包飯. 侍應先美上兩杯湯, 但湯很杰, 不太吸... |