My trip starts off with a large deep-fried rice ball that I look forward to stuff into my mouth every August. Every year we drive down to Sicily from Rome and there is a short ferry wide between the main land to this little island. This ferry offers one of the most local food options in Italy, its 'Aranicino', the famous rice ball, is the size of a big pomelo and probably too big for a 160cm petite Asian girl like me. The thin batter outside is deep fried to golden, when you take a bite, your teeth cuts through a pillow of soft rice until it reaches the center- a typical Italian flavour of tomato sauce, bit of meat and melted mozzarella cheese.
Many travellers to Italy would probably have come aross this specialty Arancino before, but this one on the ferry, is the very best. If you get a chance to travel cross-country in Italy, be sure to spare 2 euros on the ferry for this oh-so-delicious rice ball. It is also filling enough to replace two meals.
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| I go to Italy twice a year, Sicily in August, then Tuscany in December. My in-laws are Italians, so I am lucky to have a chance to learn a few things about this beautiful country on a ve... | |
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