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國家/地點: 中國
旅程日期: 2011-05-17
國家/地點: 新加坡
旅程日期: 2011-05-04 至 2011-05-05
共找到 3 篇遊記, 正顯示第 1 至 3 篇遊記
肥仔哥哥福田之旅 (中國)
(旅程日期: 2011-05-17 ,  旅程性質: 飲食購物, 消閒度假)
 整個旅程  (共1篇遊記)
發表日期: 2011-05-21

什麼的旅程會讓你感到優閒舒適呢?對我來說,小時候不用上學,一個人在家玩玩具的時候是最relax & comfortable的。所以,我決定展開一個優閒舒適的一天福田玩具旅程。Let’s go!


深圳市福民文具玩具批發市場門口有兩個小攤擋賣小吃,有台式香腸、雞蛋、雪糕、雪條等。在福田有台式香腸賣? 我其實想嘗試一下,可是我沒有勇氣。我怕香腸不知道是用什麼肉做的,也怕香腸不知道添加了什麼添加劑。人在內地吃東西一定要格外小心。門口還有一個非常小的水池,和幾位坐在椅子上聊天的保安叔叔(難道他們在偷懶?)。




我第一樣喜歡的商品是公仔。在其中一間商店門口紙盒裡體積較大的動物公仔,有熊貓、猴子、毛毛蟲、海豚等。我不明白為什麼老闆會把它們隨便放在門口,這樣太不重視它們了吧! 它們那麼可愛,老闆怎麼會忍心這樣對待它們? 商店裡面還有其他體積較小的公仔,有兔子、眼鏡小孩、小貓、小熊等。它們每一個都長得這麼cute,如果可以的我真想把它們全部帶回家。



參觀時段: 下午
入場價錢: 每人100人民幣元
評分: 值得去4  

我第三樣喜歡的商品是銀包,有龍貓、Hello Kitty、松鼠等。如果我有龍貓銀包,一定會發大財。我第四樣喜歡的商品是可愛女孩擺設,有紅色、橙色、啡色、綠色。還有一種是綠色衣服的女孩面前有一個綠色的籃子。其它比較特別的商品有大象救生圈、小羊鋼琴、Winnie the Pooh火車、小屋燈和Mickey Mouse拖鞋。



I guess the quality of washroom in China still needs a lot of improvement. Who should br responsible for the problem of dirty washrooms? In Hong Kong, there are still many dirty washrooms. Who can solve this horrrible problem?

評分: 值得去4  
我們的第二站是深圳福田怡景中心城。怡景中心城有三層,感覺很modern,比香港的商場規模更大,裝潢更豪華。我們一邊優閒地漫步走,一邊找尋哪裡有玩具。結果,我們發現了有很多娃娃機,裡面有很多公仔,有三色黃橙綠太陽、深啡色&淺啡色小貓、粉紅色小豬、白色小兔、粉紅色&白色Hello Kitty with yellow ribbon、紫色大熊、藍白黃橙企鵝等。

The shopping center is one of the best shopping centers I have ever visited. I want to always visit this shopping center. I wonder why Hong Kong does not have such a beautiful shopping center. I love this shopping center very much. I love it!!!!

I do  not have enough money to play the doll machine. Next time I will bring more money to win the doll back to my home. Dear doll, please wait for me.
評分: 值得去4  

商場的廁所很乾淨,要讚! Excellent! It is very clean. 在內地要找乾淨的廁所真得很難。I want to come back to this shopping mall again. The quality of the washroom is even better than the washrooms in Hong Kong. I want to go to the washroom every day. Even the lazy staff of the shopping center always chat in the washroom.

The shopping center is very big and there are lots of restaurant. Too bad I do not have enough time to visit all these restaurants this time. If I have more free time nest time, I will try all the restaurants of the shopping center. I want to eat in the different restaurants every day and every night. Who can help me???


最後,三小姐的戰利品是很大的白色狗狗和骨頭枕頭。我什麼都沒有! I want to cry. I am too poor and I do not have enough money to buy those dolls and toys. I want to visit the shopping center every week. Who have free time to bring me to the shopping center? The shopping center is a surprised for me. I love this shopping center very much.

評分: 值得去4  
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新加坡大舅父之旅 (新加坡)
(旅程日期: 2011-05-04 至 2011-05-05 ,  旅程性質: 生態探險, 飲食購物, 探訪親友, 消閒度假)
 整個旅程  (共2篇遊記)
發表日期: 2011-05-16
elephant 1
elephant 1
elephant 2
elephant 2
elephant 3
elephant 3
elephant 4
elephant 4
elephant 5
elephant 5
elephant 6
elephant 6
elephant 7
elephant 7
elephant 8
elephant 8




Sometimes I feel sorry for all those elephants. They have to be trained to entertain all the visitor. They have to performe their show twice every day. Do they feel tired and unhappy? I hope they feel happy in the zoo. I am pretty sure they miss their family and friends from their birth place. If I am an elephant, I would rather live in the wild jungle instead of living in the zoo. At least there is more freedom in the wild jungle. Nobody would be riding on their back every day. Nobody would force them to bath according to a particular schedule.

However, if they escape from the zoo, I think they no longer can be adapted to the wildlife environment. They have already lost their ability to survive in the natrual environment after their training. They have to live in the zoo for the rest of their life. They will no longer have an opportunuity to go back to Asia or Africa.

Somtimes when I am watching the animal show at zoo, I feel excited and I  think the show is always interesting, but I always wonder whether the elephants would be happy or not. Do they really have a choice?

推介項目: 大象表演
參觀時段: 早上
入場價錢: 每人20新加坡元
評分: 值得去4  
oyster plant
oyster plant
plant 1
plant 1
dragon's tongue
dragon's tongue
plant 2
plant 2
plant 3
plant 3
Padi rice
Padi rice
熱帶農稼園(Tropical Crops Plantation)
這裡有很多不同種類的植物,有一些時可以吃的,很可惜沒有試食。我真得很想偷偷地試食,可惜沒有足夠的勇氣。全部的食物(ie plant)都試只能看,不能吃,我只有忍忍忍忍忍 ... ...
山竹(mangosteen)跟mango有甚麼關係? Are they within the same family? 如果將來有機會看到study plant 的 professor,我要問問她這個問題? Label 說所有的山竹的味道都是一樣的。我很懷疑。我決定以後沒天都去買一個山竹嘗嘗它們的味道是不是一樣?不知道在香港的supermarket能不能買得到?
Oyster plant can reduce "heatiness" in our body. I want to try if I have the opportunity. I think the zoo should provide a free drink of oyster plant or dragon's tongue.
The leaves of dragon's tongue are used to treat coughs & sore throat. The flowers can clean our blood. I want to plant dragon's tongue & oyster plant at home so I can alwys have medical drinks to cure my illness.
I want to try Padi rice in my dinner or lunch. I want to try its taste and see if it is yummy.
I have seen different types of flowers, plants and grass in the Tropical Crops Plantation. Many of the plants are not just beautiful, but they also have different meidcal uses. This visit is far more interesting than my previous lecture about plant in my biology class. I had not expected to learn anything about plant in the zoo. I am quite excited and I am extremely surprised about the diversity of the plant. If possible, I would like to come back again in the future to visit my "plant friends". The plants are no longer boring to me. I think my professor should come to the zoo to look at the plants before her lecture on plant.

推介項目: oyster plant, dragon's tongue
參觀時段: 早上
入場價錢: 每人20新加坡元
評分: 值得去4  
souvenir 1
souvenir 1
souvenir 2
souvenir 2
scenery 1
scenery 1
plant 4
plant 4
plant 5
plant 5
We have spent 2 days in the Singapore Zoo. First, I want to talk about the ticket. On each ticket, there is a picture of an animal. I think the design of the ticket is attracting and it is the best souvenir of the zoo. On my tickets, I have a mandrill and a giraffe. These 2 tickets are priceless to me. They represent my first journey to Singapore and also my first visit to the singapore zoo. I will use these 2 tickets as bookmarks. Whenever I see these 2 tickets, I will always remember about my trip to Singapore.
Second, I want to talk about the souvenir. I saw many different souvenirs in the shop. My favourite souvenirs are the fish lion sculpture and the tiger hand gloves. I decided not to buy them because I did not have enough money at that time. They are very cute and I really wanted to bring them back to HK. Next time, i promise myself I will bring enough money to Singapore and I will buy both of them next time. Please wait for me.
Next, I want to talk about the frog and the bird. They are vey colourful and I should have put them under other 景點評論 category. However, I can only upload maximum of 8 pictures per 景點評論. So, I include the photos here. I forget the name of the blue bird, but its appearance is so cute that I have to upload its picture. The frog picture is also very interesting. There are 3 different frogs in the same photos. The frogs are different in colour. The photo is one of the best photos I have taken in Singapore.
Special thanks to 大舅父&大舅母. 大舅父 had invited us to travel to Singapore. He let us stay in his house so we didn't have to stay in hotel. We ate many Singapore food at his house. We didn't have to go out to the restaurant to eat lunch and dinner. 大舅母 had cooked delicious meals for us. Too bad that 大舅母 didn't have time to visit the zoo.
I hope I will have a second chance to visit Singapore again. This time my journey is focused on animal, plant and natural environment. Next time I want to focus my journey on singapore traditional food. I want to taste different types of cuisine in Singapore. I want to go to different restaurants to try their delicious food. Will I have the chance to visit Singapore again?

參觀時段: 下午
入場價錢: 每人20新加坡元
評分: 值得去4  
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新加坡大舅父之旅 (新加坡)
(旅程日期: 2011-05-04 至 2011-05-05 ,  旅程性質: 生態探險, 飲食購物, 探訪親友, 消閒度假)
 整個旅程  (共2篇遊記)
發表日期: 2011-05-16
rainforest courtyard
rainforest courtyard
3 colour parrot
3 colour parrot
white parrot
white parrot
false ghavial
false ghavial

我們第一站走到了雨林庭院(Rainforest Courtyard)。
1 我們看到的第一種動物是鸚鵡,有紅綠藍色的
2 之後,我們看到咖啡色的大鼷鹿(greater mouse deer)。它有三角形的頭,大大的眼睛&黑色的鼻子。它好像覺得有點害怕,所以躲在幾塊大石中間。它的樣子很可愛,讓人想抱著它當公仔。
3 接著,我們看到兇猛的馬來鱷(false ghavial)在水中游泳它的嘴又細又長又窄,如果被它咬到一定會身受重傷,我們決定還是不要打擾它的雅興
4 離開了馬來鱷後,一群鳥(flamingo)在等待著我們。它們有很長脖子,很紅的beak,更擁有女生最羨慕的S型身材。
5 我們看到啡黑色的長臂猿(gibbon)正在樹枝上盪秋千,它的身手很靈活很快,轉眼就消失在我們的面前。
6 在睡覺的鹿豬(babirusa)的豬角(???)也是向上的,是一個很得意的景象。

推介項目: 大鼷鹿,鹿豬
參觀時段: 全日
入場價錢: 每人20新加坡元
評分: 值得去4  
orange utan
orange utan
我們離開了雨林庭院,我們到達了原野非洲(Wild Africa)。非洲太遠了,能夠在Singapore看到非洲的動物,很幸福啊!而且,非洲應該比Singapore熱很多吧!如果在非洲看動物,我應該沒有心情和精神看動物因為非洲太熱。

1 很胖的咖啡色犀牛 (rhinoceros)有很名貴的犀牛角,看起來有點呆呆的。我很想坐在它的背上,不知道可不可以?

2 安氏羚(nyala)有白色的間條,so cute。

3 大羚羊(eland)看起來有點老。    

4 一對班馬(zebra)情侶正在一起喝水。 

5 高高的長頸鹿(giraffe)在吃樹葉,好吃嗎?    

6 偉大的紅毛猩猩(orange utan)媽媽在無微不至地照顧著紅毛猩猩BB 天下的母親都是很偉大的。   

7 獵豹(cheetah) 本來是睡著的,我們到達後它就醒來迎接我們。



推介項目: 紅毛猩猩,安氏羚
參觀時段: 早上
入場價錢: 每人20新加坡元
評分: 值得去4  
sun bear
sun bear
giant tortoise
giant tortoise
Komodo Dragon
Komodo Dragon
Rhinoceros Iguana
Rhinoceros Iguana
Leopard Cat
Leopard Cat
giant tortoise & uncle
giant tortoise & uncle

1 馬來熊(sun bear)是黑色的。不知道是不是因為曬太陽曬太多所以曬黑了???
2 象龜 (giant tortoise)真得很大。難道它是修練千年的龜仙?
3 變色龍(chameleon)這一次它變的顏色不夠好看,希望下一次會變得好看一點。
4 科莫多巨蜥(Komodo Dragon) 為甚麼它叫dragon?它比dragon小那麼多,改名字的那個人改得不夠好。
5 犀牛鬣蜥(Rhinoceros Iguana)在曬太陽,曬得不夠馬來熊多,所以沒有曬黑。
6 豹貓(Leopard Cat)在玩耍。要不要陪我一起玩?
7 Lizard想逃走,可惜失敗了,只能無辜地看著外面?
8 大舅父和象龜model的合照。你們說大舅父比較可愛還是象龜比較可愛呢?

推介項目: 象龜,馬來熊
參觀時段: 下午
入場價錢: 每人20新加坡元
評分: 值得去4  
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