我是Food Craver。
我是一名Food Blogger。
, 最鍾意遊覽自然景觀,歷史建築/遺跡,主要地標,民俗風情, 住宿通常會揀民宿,青年旅舍,Villa。
最近分享過的旅程 |
整個旅程 (共1篇遊記)
6月17日零晨乘搭Asia Airline前往首爾開展我們三日兩夜的韓國之旅!
首先乘搭機場巴士6015直接抵達PJ Hotel 附近。一下車有點迷失方向,但得到一個超級好心的韓國人幫忙帶路,初時以為她是在PJ Hotel 工作的,但後來才知道她是特地帶我們去的...超感動...在香港有人彩你先奇。
因太早未能check in,放下行李後,先去汗蒸幕三溫暖洗個澡:)! 我們去的是比較地道的三溫暖場,旅遊書通常不會介紹這一間,但它可是出現在Dream High的其中一集的啊~ 此三溫暖場勝在夠大和便宜(忘了價錢,但比明洞的便宜多了)。設有不同氣味的三溫暖房間,還有公眾暖地板跟熱石床供人免費睡覺!我們當然是去洗個澡後再去熱石房間睡個覺咯~
中午時份去明洞逛逛跟吃魬!當然是去上年去過很好吃的Yoogane 柳家鐵板雜炒雞肉店啦~
逛了一會我們轉戰南大門,在Doota頂層看到香港沒有的Froyo Store - Red Mango! 當然不能放過!
Pizza-like Cheese Seafood Fried Rice 2011-09-09
Hip Hotel in Seoul 2011-09-09
汗蒸幕 2011-09-09
Red Mango in Korea! 2011-09-09
Yummy Korea Street Stall 2011-09-09
共 2 個留言 ,正顯示第 1至2 個留言 |
汗蒸幕 2011-09-30 19:19
58.153.x.x Hi, sorry for late reply. The Sauna we went is called 梨泰院land at 梨泰院站3號出口. It opens 24 hours. I cant remember the price since I didn't pay for it...I guess its around HKD$50 for admission and no other surcharges. Pls e-mail me if you have further questions foodcraver09@gmail.com |
Food Craver (共1篇遊記)
汗蒸幕 2011-09-27 23:32
218.103.x.x Hi there, I am going to Korea in early Oct. I would like to know where is this 汗蒸幕 place that you went? And how much was it? Can you let me know which train station is it at or how to get there? My hotel is in Dongdaemun. thanks. |
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