, 最鍾意遊覽城市風貌,民俗風情,公園/遊樂場/渡假區, 住宿通常會揀5星酒店,渡假村。
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整個旅程 (共1篇遊記)
羅馬是個十分religious 的城市, 到處都是古蹟, 就連商場裏也有呢! 我們在termini (某大站) 購買了roma pass, 包括了羅馬鬥獸場(+古羅馬市集)以及天使堡入場, 搭地鐵電車巴士都可以用roma pass, 可以用三天的其實真的便宜! 兩張入場費加起來都經已over 了roma pass 的價錢了! 不過小心不要太晚歸啊因為地鐵 9pm 就關閉, 第一天來到羅馬因為地鐵關了我們要步走回家呢! (結果第二天大家都累得要死xp)
平靚超級正 2011-07-27
於Napoli嘗全世界最好吃的pizza 2011-07-27
共 1 個留言 |
Best Pizza in the world 2012-02-03 22:11
218.103.x.x Yes, Da Michele has the best pizza in the world. I've visited this shop twice. Each time I had the whole Margherita and I think it's just good for me coz it's thin but not crispy. It's rather like the French crepe. I still miss the Pizza. Last time I met a handsome guy making the Pizza in the shop. Anyway, it's such an ordinary thing to encounter a handsome guy in Italy. I know it's difficult, but do you know where I can have a Da-Michele-like Pizza in HK? Thanks! |
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