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A Month in Europe
國家/地點: 奧地利, 法國, 德國, 希臘, 意大利, 瑞士, 梵蒂岡
國家/地點: 日本
旅程日期: 2009-09-10 至 2009-10-02
國家/地點: 台灣
旅程日期: 2010-05-21 至 2010-05-24
A Month in Europe (奧地利, 法國, 德國, 希臘, 意大利, 瑞士, 梵蒂岡)
旅程性質: 蜜月旅遊
 整個旅程  (共10篇遊記)
發表日期: 2010-08-12
8th Day in Vienna and Salzburg
 Schloss Hellbrunn > 

海布倫宮(Schloss Hellbrunn),德文的意思是「水泉的夏宮」,夏宮分三大部分:夏宮 (Schloss)、花園 (Park)及噴泉公園(Wasserspiele),而這個噴泉公園就獨立出來,獨立收費,且遊客若要到噴泉公園部分,一定要跟Guided tour,因為導遊會令你開懷大笑,也會令你如落湯雞一樣。

海布倫宮建成於1620年,由一個好有幽默感、貪玩、多情的主教Markus Sittikus 委託一意大利建築師設計的。他愛跟客人開玩笑,例如guided tour頭一個環節,是團友們聚集在一個小羅馬廣場,場中心有一張如4張乒乓球臺般大的古老石臺,兩邊有一排石凳,導遊介紹了公園及一些守則後,就問我們誰有興趣坐下來玩遊戲? 原來是看誰不夠好彩,凳下已裝有水喉,九個人當中,就只有一個可以「全身而退」,據說這一個位就是以前主教坐的。而我們做觀眾的,以為可以幸災樂禍,當你嘻嘻哈哈開懷指笑他們時,就驚覺我們一班觀眾的身邊竟然又有水柱射出!哭笑不得,但也讓每個人都更投入!

評分: 值得去5  

Hellbrunn Palace (German: Schloss Hellbrunn) is an early Baroque villa of palatial size, near Morzg, a southern district of the city of Salzburg, Austria. It was built in 1613-19 by Markus Sittikus von Hohenems, Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg, and named for the "clear spring" that supplied it. Hellbrunn was only meant for use as a day residence in summer, as the Archbishop usually returned to Salzburg in the evening. Therefore, there is no bedroom in Hellbrunn.

The schloss is also famous for its jeux d'eau ("watergames") in the grounds, which are a popular tourist attraction in the summer months. These games were conceived by Markus Sittikus, a man with a keen sense of humour, as a series of practical jokes to be performed on guests. Notable features include stone seats around a stone dining table through which a water conduit sprays water into the seat of the guests when the mechanism is activated. Other features are a mechanical, water-operated and music-playing theatre built in 1750 showing various professions at work, a grotto and a crown being pushed up and down by a jet of water, symbolising the rise and fall of power. At all of these games there is always a spot which is never wet: that where the Archbishop stood or sat, to which there is no water conduit and which is today occupied by the tour guide.
Hellbrunn stands in a large park with a neighboring zoo, a stone theater and a small building known as the Monatschlossl, or the "little month-palace",as it was built during the period of one month after a visitor commented to Sittikus that a building on the hill would improve the view from one of the schloss' windows. The archbishop took heed of his advice, and when the visitor returned a month later the Monatschlossl was built. It now houses the ethnographical section of the Carolina Augusteum Museum of Salzburg.
評分: 值得去5  
Schloss Hellbrunn
評分: 值得去5  
Schloss Hellbrunn - exhibition hall
評分: 值得去4  
Schloss Hellbrunn - exhibition hall
評分: 值得去4  
Schloss Hellbrunn - exhibition hall
評分: 值得去4  
Schloss Hellbrunn - Garden
評分: 值得去4  
薩爾斯堡市中心最熱鬧的一條街道,整條街道最吸引人的,就是精雕細琢的鐵鑄招牌,每一個都深具特色。街道兩旁林立著各種精品店、藝廊、餐廳與咖啡廳,不過,我們到的時候已經是下午7點多了,除了餐廳之外,許多店面早就已經店門深鎖,我們只能Window Shopping,但這一點都不會影響我們逛街的興致,反而覺得在只有少數幾個人經過的街道逛起來,還挺舒服的呢!
評分: 值得去4  
getredegasse 笑臉2010-08-12

Getreidegasse (also known as Grain Lane) is a busy shopping street in the Old-Town section of Salzburg. The house at no. 9 Getreidegasse is the place where Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born and where he lived until the age of 17. Originally called Trabegasse (derived from Traben - to trot), its name was changed several times before it became the Grain Lane.

Every day, you can see the famous 'puppet woman' with her brown basket on this street. She is a lady named Maria and has been selling puppets there since 1987.[1].

評分: 值得去4  
schwarzes rossl 笑臉2010-08-12
schwarzes rossl
評分: 設備3   服務3   環境3   衛生3   抵住4
Anif Castle 笑臉2010-08-12
The Anif Palace, also known as Water Palace Anif, stands beside an artificial pond within the Austrian county of Anif at the southern edge of the city of Salzburg. Anif is most famous for its use in several movies, including The Sound of Music and Frederick Forsyth's The Odessa File.
評分: 值得去4  
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