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from Festung Hohen looking over Salzburg!!!! |
薩爾斯堡市中心的山岡上,俯視整個薩爾斯堡市景色,而且在這山岡上建有一座歷史悠久的荷恩薩爾斯堡 (Festung Hohen-Salzburg) ,這座城堡建於 1077 年,亦是薩爾斯堡市的象徵,如果不想浪費氣力,可以乘搭登山纜車上山,為了省錢關係,筆者只好徒步上山,欣賞薩爾斯堡市的迷人景色。 |
The Anif Palace, also known as Water Palace Anif, stands beside an artificial pond within the Austrian county of Anif at the southern edge of the city of Salzburg. Anif is most famous for its use in several movies, including The Sound of Music and Frederick Forsyth... |
Getreidegasse (also known as Grain Lane) is a busy shopping street in the Old-Town section of Salzburg. The house at no. 9 Getreidegasse is the place where Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born and where he lived until the age of 17. Originally called Trabegasse (derived fr... |
著名的格切特街(Getreidegasse),名店林立,最特別的是每家店外精心設計、獨一無二的門牌。 薩爾斯堡市中心最熱鬧的一條街道,整條街道最吸引人的,就是精雕細琢的鐵鑄招牌,每一個都深具特色。街道兩旁林立著各種精品店、藝廊、餐廳與咖啡廳,不過,我們到的時候已經是下午7點多了,除了餐廳之外,許多店面早就已經店... |
Schloss Hellbrunn - Garden |
Schloss Hellbrunn - exhibition hall |
Schloss Hellbrunn - exhibition hall |