紐西蘭 [
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If you are a die-hard Lord of the Rings fans. Yes, you will love it. |
Paprika168 (共1篇遊記)
Arrived at Pukerangi Station (A shed like building) and got on the train. Reminds me of England train. There is Snack bar and each carts have different design in them. They stop off at 1 station each time, and this time we get to stop off at hindon for scenery shots. Train tra... |
Paprika168 (共1篇遊記)
08Oct13 - Best part of the day is the short visit to Mirror Lake on the way to Milford Sound. If you turn the photos upside down the view will be exactly the same. Passing Cleddau Valley where the water from the snow mountain can be drink raw. We all drink and the natural water ... |
Paprika168 (共1篇遊記)
Arrived nearly sunset. This is the best preserved gold mining town in 1862. Lucky to catch a Bride and Groom taking wedding photos. If you are into History, then can pay to get into the Museum for quite view. |
Paprika168 (共1篇遊記)
06Oct13 - Arrived at Auckland and then transit to Christchurch. 1st stop we head pass Canterbury Plain and arrived at Tepako Church adjacent to Lake Tekapo. The water is remarkably blue, from the rock flour from the glacier at head of the lake, which further got suspend in melted wat... |
Paprika168 (共1篇遊記)
紐西蘭除了自然風光, 另一樣著名的就是它多元化的極限活動, 普通的滑雪騎馬在我心目中已經無甚驚喜, 我決定要在自己生日當天, 一嘗高空跳傘skydiving的滋味! 而且不試還好, 試的話, 肯定是要從最高的高度 - 15000呎跳下來!當然, 紐西蘭高空跳傘的地點有很多, 我自己則選擇了在比新加坡還要大, 全紐西蘭最大的淡水湖 ... |
little_arashi (共1篇遊記)
告別冰河,進入Arthur Pass,雄偉的雪山在荒涼的草原上屹立,沿途亦有溪流沼澤貫穿草原映照天空的一片藍,從高空遠望,凌空而建、跨越Taramakau River的Otira Highway有種說不出的壯麗,這橫貫山壁開闢的一條快速公路,在水瀑之下而過,四周盡是滑坡後的山泥,四野沒一點人煙,像天山獨行般的旅途,只是偶有淘氣... |
由Fox Glacier只需要半小時車程便可到達另一條冰河Franz Josef Glacier,可惜的是即使爬上山上暸望亦只可相隔老遠,Franz Josef Glacier的確後退了不少,近處大部份只是冰河留下的碎石,狹小的夾在山峽之中,配襯山腰的雲絮,天蒼蒼地茫茫地支撐著。 |
Fox Glacier是紐西蘭最長的冰河,達13公里,由頂部的積雪流至最低處需時八十多年,如果不選擇冰河健行或攀爬冰壁的話,Fox Glacier將會是可以近距離接觸的冰河之一,泊車的停車場,其實是十多二十年前的冰河位置,年代再久遠一點,以往鎮上也可直接看到冰河,可見這幾十年來我們對環境的破壞,可能再多幾十年,這處... |