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 整個旅程  (共4篇遊記)
發表日期: 2010-02-06
一月三十日 (星期六)
多倫多是一個挺特別的地方, 有大大小小的飲食 event, 如winterlicious, summerlicious, wine festival, wine and chocolate festival 等等, 今次要為大家介紹的是一月份的 <Icewine festival> 冰酒節。
冰酒節在Niagara地區舉行, 那裡鄰近美國, 是一個遊客區。由多倫多尖駕車前往大概需要1小時45分鐘左右吧! 由於路程不遠而且接近美國, 很多學生都喜歡前往作為渡假的地方。
那裡有很多的酒廠, 大大小小的, 有些還很有特色的啊!
說回冰酒節吧, 這次前往一共去了5間酒廠, 它們都是各有特色的啊!
每一站它都會給你一杯icewine 加一些他們認為配合的食物, 每一站為 CAD $10, 即大約 HKD$70, 但大會亦提供Discovery Pass, 每個pass有6張票, 每張票能換一人份的酒和食物。我們一行4個人, 一共買了2個pass, 即12張票。起初我們也是一人一份的, 但到後來 想多走幾間酒廠,再加上已經有點不太想喝的關係, 我們便只用1張或2張票, 幾個人一起分享那一人份的酒。這樣其實還比較化算, 朋友們有機會去的話可以這樣, 試到的東西會比較多, 而且不會喝到不想喝啊
在去pick up discovery pass的路上, 買了芝士和雪糕 =)

第一站 - Strewn Winery
1339 Lakeshore Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake

Icewine: Vidal Icewine
Food: Harvest Vegetable & Salmon Chowder with Icewine Drizzle.

第二站 -  Dan Aykroyd Wines At 200 Bees Winery
1067 Niagara Stone Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake

Icewine/ Dan Aykroyd Discovery Series Vidal Icewine and Cabernet Franc Icewines
Food/ Spicy Cheese Fondue with Fresh Artisanal breads

第三站 - REIF Estate Winery
15608 Niagara Parkway, Niagara-on-the-Lake

Icewine: Vidal Icewine
Food: spot roasted Porketta served on a mini-brioche with apple Icewine sauce.

第四站 - Chateau Des Charmes
1025 York Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake

Icewine: Niagara Icewine
Food: Hand-made local icecream and preserved Niagara peaches.

Truly Heavenly Experience!

第五站 - Flat Rock Cellars
2727 Seventh Avenue, Jordan

Icewine: 2007 Sweet Revenge Vidal Icewine
Food: Icewine glazed pulled-pork slider. (我們遲了, 沒有吃的, 以紅酒代替了)

去過5個酒廠,我們回到 Niagara Falls 那邊, 去了Fallsview Casino, 走了一圈, 吃了個 CAD$20 的buffet ( 對我們來說, buffet的價錢和質量算不錯了, 當然跟香港的根本比不了), 回程了。

很滿足的一個行程, 雖說香港應有盡有, 但要有一個如此閑情又有享受的旅途, 難也!
Cheese Secrets @ Niagara-on-th-Lake
Cheese Secrets @ Niagara-on-th-Lake
Cow's icecream~奶so味很重, 但不錯啊 !
Cow's icecream~奶so味很重, 但不錯啊 !
Cow's Icecream ~
Cow's Icecream ~
評分: 值得去3  
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 整個旅程  (共1篇遊記)
發表日期: 2009-06-28
Originally from Hong Kong, I am a current full-time university student in Toronto (but I still manage to spend 5 months back home in HK every year :D).

I live in downtown Toronto and eat out quite often because cafeteria food is not very enjoyable. I include some of my personal favorites here.
Bulgolgi beef and stir fried octopus
Bulgolgi beef and stir fried octopus
Pork bone soup
Pork bone soup
Enjoying a long history in Toronto, one of the most popular casual, quick service Korean eateries that lives up to its name.

Service is always attentive and very polite. It is a family business - the warm smile of the graceful lady with glasses gives the food a touch of "homeliness", and the young male servers are always smiling when you ask for a refill of water.

Their quite extensive menu is very promising - I have tried a variety here and my personal favorites include

1. Bulgolgi and spicy stir fried octopus combination
The bulgolgi marinade is authentic, beef used is always tender. Their stir fried octopus is spicy enough with a good degree of sweetness, blended with a hint of sesame oil - great when mixed with the bed of white short grain rice served.

(Or you can order separately - just bulgolgi beef or just spicy stir fried squid, it's even cheaper - just that I like both)

2. Original pork bone soup
This is one of their signatures. Generous meaty chunks of pork bone simmered for hours in rich spicy gochu-based (gochu = Korean chili pepper) broth.

Their banchans change, but their white cabbage kimchi is always there and it maintains a consistent quality, with a crisp bite and refreshing tang to it.

Prices are dirt cheap - an average entree ranges from $6 to $10. For less than $20 I garantee you to leave very satisfied.

Remember to pay your tips
as it is not included - a general practice of Korean restaurants in Toronto. Generally people leave a tip of about 10-20% depending on your satisfaction level. I always leave 20% here because the food is too cheap and the servers just deserve so much more!

推介菜式: Bulgolgi beef, spicy stir fried octopus, pork bone soup
每人消費: 約10加元
評分: 味道5   服務5   環境3   衛生4   抵食5
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