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    共找到 15 項資料 ,正顯示第 11 至 15 項資料
    Dachau concentration camp (慕尼黑)
    Dachau concentration camp笑臉2010-08-18

    Dachau served as a prototype and model for the other Nazi concentration camps that followed. Almost every community in Germany had members taken away to these camps, and as early as 1935 there were jingles warning: "Dear God, make me dumb, that I may not to Dachau come."


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    wcwc (共28篇遊記)

    Dachau Concentration Camp (慕尼黑)
    Dachau Concentration Camp笑臉2010-08-18
    Opened 22 March 1933,[1] Dachau concentration camp (German: Konzentrationslager (KZ) Dachau, IPA: [ˈdaxaʊ]) was the first Nazi concentration camp opened in Germany, located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory near the medieval... [ 更多 ]
    wcwc (共28篇遊記)

    bear mesuem (慕尼黑)
    都好啦, 去咗看bear mesuemok喇2009-08-04

    同友人又再一次住hostel, 係munich住0左一晚hostel, 0個間叫euro youth hotel, 都係求其搵, 不過都ok啦, 乾淨又唔貴就算ga la…

    0個次short trip, 因為個camera有問題, 成日無電, 所以好多野, 都影唔到…所以依篇有點短…唔好見怪呀…

    第1日, 去0左austria的celsburg玩, 好開心, 好多野玩, 仲買0左...

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    咪呀咪呀 (共42篇遊記)

    Dachau集中營 (慕尼黑)
    呢個Dachau集中營就係一個真實的歷史 [ 更多 ]
    tinky~tinky~ (共8篇遊記)

    瑪莉茵廣場 (慕尼黑)
      [ 更多 ]
    Gavin1202Gavin1202 (共1篇遊記)