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,正顯示第 61 至 70 項資料
On my way back to hotel for a short break, walking along the busy street of Ham Nghi with some restaurants and shops, while it started to rain. My original plan was to find somewhere "local" but by chance, filooks cheerful and it's well decoratednding this little quiet place. It's well ... |
Located at the gound floor of the tallest building in the city, just completed and started leasing. |
只有兩個菜係MENU搵到: Asperges vertes à la "hollandaise", petite salade mélangée aux copeaux de foie gras Asparagus with "hollandaise" sauce, light salad with "foie gras" 有D腥...但幾精緻 Magret de canard au vinaigre de fra... |
越南人對雪糕既瘋狂一定嚇你一跳! 如果真係想食雪糕,建議唔好揀buffet時間,可以慢慢坐著吃比較好 但越南buffet食雪糕包你一生難忘,就跟在越南電單車海過馬路一樣,在人海之中你要爭食雪糕! |