Mikiko London
我是Mikiko London。 我是一名MIKIKO LONDON 英國倫敦民宿老闆娘。 我最喜愛到日本,台灣,英格蘭旅遊 , 最鍾意遊覽歷史建築/遺跡,城市風貌,鄉郊農田,民俗風情, 住宿通常會揀民宿。
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The Wolseley (倫敦)
The Wolseley, 160 Piccadilly, W1J 9EB
Right next to Ritz Hotel. Nearest Tube Station: Green Park or Piccadilly Circus
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This place is just so popular amongst celebrities!
This place is just so popular amongst celebrities!

Mikiko's Notes: Although it’s one of the top tables in London, it is relatively easy to get into casually, as they allow walk-ins. Service here is attentive and you always made to feel welcome. There seems to be no 'priviledged service' given to the many celebrities/ famous faces you may see whilst dining there. The super high ceiling with iron chandeliers does makes you feel as if you’re dining in a castle, yet it is in the heart of London.

一向吸引不少名人紅星光顧的Wolseley雖然說這是一間感覺很高級的餐廳 , 其實不需要訂位也可以進去。 這裡侍應很有禮貌 , 不會有拘束的感覺。 雜誌也報導過Sarah Jessica Parker, Jack Nicholson, Paris Hilton, 基努李維 等巨星在這裡用餐。

Price: Cream Tea Set £9.75 (per person)

Fruit Scones 英式鬆餅配奶油, 果醬
with Home Made Jam and Clotted Cream
Choice of Teas ~ 他們會用新鮮的薄荷葉泡茶,感覺非常清新,挺好喝的
Traditional Afternoon Tea Set £19.75 (per person)

Assorted Finger Sandwiches
Fruit Scones 
with Home Made Jam and Clotted Cream
Selection of Pastries
Choice of Teas


For more photos & insider tips about London's travel information, please feel free to take a look at my blog:


推介菜式: Traditional Afternoon Tea Set
每人消費: 約19英鎊 (下午茶)
評分: 味道4   服務5   環境5   衛生5   抵食4
發表日期: 2010-05-05
最近在倫敦試了很多各色各樣的 Afternoon Tea. 平嘅貴嘅都有,希望可以快 D 搵到我要的夢幻 Afternoon Tea,用來慶祝媽咪嘅生日!
發表日期: 2010-06-16