I'm planning to go to Croatia at the end of Oct and beginning of Nov. I would like to ask if you stayed in hostel or private accommodation. Do u have any recommendation for private accommodation?
How many days should be spent in Croatia?
整個旅程 (共1篇遊記)
十六湖國家公園有歐洲九寨溝之稱, 是聯合國的受保護自然公園, 有的都是自然湖泊、瀑布、山色, 遊客不算多, 一身裝束都是有備而來走山路的, 而且很自律, 途中沒有一點垃圾
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Re: advice 2009-07-28 15:22
203.129.x.x Hi - would you mind telling me how many people you went with? Which cities did you visit and how did you get from one to the next? What sort of lodging (hotel/ hostel / B&B or apartments) did you choose? I was planning to go there this Sep/Oct but couldn't figure out the transportation (must be comfortable, quick and safe and traveling on a bus/coach is definitely NOT my choice...) and the plan is therefore put on hold. Thanks in advance and look forward to hearing from you soon! |
真係估唔到克羅地亞都有人會去 2009-07-16 15:08
10.2.x.x 好勁 希望你繼續寫埋落去啦, 我期待緊 |
jackyleung37 (共4篇遊記)
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