我是Cherriehui。 我最喜愛到日本,法國,西班牙旅遊 , 最鍾意遊覽城市風貌,民俗風情,公園/遊樂場/渡假區, 住宿通常會揀5星酒店,渡假村。
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國家/地點: 西班牙
旅程日期: 2013-08-27 至 2013-12-20
開心shares 畢業之旅^^
國家/地點: 法國, 意大利
旅程日期: 2011-06-25 至 2011-07-07
國家/地點: 英格蘭
旅程日期: 2010-04-01 至 2010-07-13
開心shares 畢業之旅^^ (法國, 意大利)
(旅程日期: 2011-06-25 至 2011-07-07)
 整個旅程  (共1篇遊記)
發表日期: 2011-07-27
羅馬是個十分religious 的城市, 到處都是古蹟, 就連商場裏也有呢! 我們在termini (某大站) 購買了roma pass, 包括了羅馬鬥獸場(+古羅馬市集)以及天使堡入場, 搭地鐵電車巴士都可以用roma pass, 可以用三天的其實真的便宜! 兩張入場費加起來都經已over 了roma pass 的價錢了! 不過小心不要太晚歸啊因為地鐵 9pm 就關閉, 第一天來到羅馬因為地鐵關了我們要步走回家呢! (結果第二天大家都累得要死xp)
梵蒂岡 笑臉2011-07-27
每個月會有一個星期天免費入場的不過因為整條人龍都處於烈日下的, 所以緊記要早點去排隊啊! 而且梵蒂岡真的滿精彩, 我們第一天來到了這裡, 往後拜訪的教堂都變得不值一提了
評分: 值得去5  
平靚超級正 笑臉2011-07-27
mussels in tomato and basil sauce
mussels in tomato and basil sauce
lobster risotto
lobster risotto
Ox tail
Ox tail
pizza with egg, artichokes, ham and mushrooms
pizza with egg, artichokes, ham and mushrooms
pizza with ham
pizza with ham
yumyum risotto!!!
yumyum risotto!!!

Carbonara- the texture of the spaghetti was more than just al dente. It was slightly chewy and yet well done. I just love the way how Italian cooks pasta. The cheese sauce was really rich with extra parmasan sprinkled on top which was my favourite. It's a shame that the sauce was slightly salty and it was too cheesy that I could not actually taste any of the eggy flavour. The bacon strips were mainly fats but smoky and flavourful. Beside the pasta was far from greasy. To conclude, I think it was the best carbonara I have tried and the experience was unforgetable.

Lobster risotto- creamy lobster risotto with rich but natural lobster flavour. The texture of the risotto was far from soggy. There was a small piece of lobster in the dish and was eaten by my cousin but I was told that the meat was slightly loose. Generally speaking the risotto was very tasty.

Mussels in tomato and basil suace- although the mussels were cooked in tomato and basil sauce, the freshness can still be tasted and the sauce actually absorbed plenty of the flavour of the mussels and with the tangy tomoto, it made a fabulous company with the dry and tasteless bread slices

Mussels in brine- You could taste more of the flavour in the mussels themselves in this dish. It was simple yet superb.

Ox tail- The meat was so tender that it easily came off the bone! It was full of flavour and the sauce was very similar to the one which mussels were cooked in. There were a handful of celary, carrot and onion which picked up all the lovely flavours.

Pizzas- Both pizzas were fairly good. The pizza bases were thin but slightly chewy, a bit like the ones from Pizza Express. The ham was freshly carved but it was a bit too thick that it was a little bit salty for me. The egg was just done and the yolk was still runny inside which is the way I love it. Nevertheless all of us were not great fans of artichokes so there was a bit of a waste.

On the whole, the food was excellent but there was space to improve in terms of customer service because the restaurant was so busy that the waiters were usually fully occupied and it takes ages to get their attention. Tap water was served and there was neither service charge nor cover charge. English menu was also provided which was another plus point.

推介菜式: lobster risotto, carbonara, mussels, ox tail
評分: 味道5   服務3   環境3   衛生3   抵食5
羅馬鬥獸場 笑臉2011-07-27

來到羅馬的第一天, 我和同伴們在前往酒店途中, 的士路經某燈口前, sara表姐高呼一句" 呢個咩黎架? 咁似羅馬鬥獸場嘅?" 堂姐charlotte 連忙回答說 "呢個真係羅馬鬥獸場黎架ma=v=" 兩天後我們終於再度拜訪了! 不過說真的, 夜景比日景迷人多了, 幸好那晚上讓我們看到了, 不然真的走寶呢!

評分: 值得去5  
Eat Pray Love
Eat Pray Love
Maxi Pizza Marinara
Maxi Pizza Marinara
Pizza Margherita (double mozzarella)
Pizza Margherita (double mozzarella)

論為全意大利最好吃的pizza, 來意大利當然要朝拜一番! 在堂姐charlotte的帶領下終於來到了Da Michele (全靠她我們才知道有這麼一間低調的名店呢!).

格局有點像港式茶餐廳, 簡陋得很, 廚房是開放式的. 此店只售兩款pizza, 一款是pizza margherita, 即是只有 mozzarella cheese 和茄醬, 另一款是pizza marinara, 只有茄醬, 香草和蒜頭. 食材聽起來很簡單, 味道又會是如何呢? 大家都摸不著頭腦, 全世界最好吃的pizza 會有多好吃? 會不會是誇大了而已? 如果是真的那必須呈清呈清

我們5人同行, 就先要了每款各一來分吃, 因為pizza 體積大得很, 比平日pizza express 或是pizza hut 大批還要大(是超級無敵大好不好?) 整個製作過程都是開放式的, 任由食客拍照, 而最令小妹感神奇的步驟就是師傅把小小的粉團stretch開成一個巨型pizza, 然後放進炭爐裏, 整個過程實在令人目不暇給(其實是興奮得要尖叫!)

不到3分鐘, 香噴噴的pizza 終於送來了! 趕忙拍個照就等不及開動 (所以相片有點shaky)pizza 上灑上 extra virgin olive oil, 熱騰騰的令分切程序有難度 (其實我們可以叫師傅為我們分切不過過度興奮而忘了

趕緊嘗一口..........OH GOD! 好感動好感動好感動pizza居然可以如此好吃 (立即打消了要呈清的念頭.....) base 薄薄的, 少少煙靱之餘底微脆, 沖積著炭香. PIZZA MARGHERITA 上有很多mozzarella cheese, 跟祕製tomato sauce和 olive oil 混在一起再加上薄薄熱騰騰的餅底其實吃得滿狼狽, 所以我們都喜把pizza slice 摺起或是roll 起來吃, 因為皮薄且微脆, 每一口都是豐富的口感, 咬每一口時香濃的茄醬,mozzarella 和olive oil都湧出來 JEEEEEEESUS! 不能用文字去形容, 但我保證沒有半點誇張成份!!! 至於pizza marinara 也不過不失, 餅底依然精彩, herbs 和 garlic 味香氣十足, 誰都不搶誰的風頭! 不過個人而言還是pizza margherita 較令人感動, 所以encall 了一個

最後5人分吃3個pizza 其實剛好, 建議pizza 逐個order 因為製作時間短而且涼了就沒這麼吸引呢!

評分: 味道5   服務5   環境4   衛生4   抵食5
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共 1 個留言
Best Pizza in the world 2012-02-03 22:11   218.103.x.x
Yes, Da Michele has the best pizza in the world. I've visited this shop twice. Each time I had the whole Margherita and I think it's just good for me coz it's thin but not crispy. It's rather like the French crepe. I still miss the Pizza. Last time I met a handsome guy making the Pizza in the shop. Anyway, it's such an ordinary thing to encounter a handsome guy in Italy.

I know it's difficult, but do you know where I can have a Da-Michele-like Pizza in HK? Thanks!
lsnakelsnake (共0篇遊記)

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