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買完手信, Homeplus 超市旁邊係一個小型food court, 只有6間小食店, 以韓日式為主, 我哋見門口的食物模型同價錢好吸引, 就入去試吓。 我哋各自點了自己嘅選擇如下: 1) 炸豬排喬麥冷面定食, 6000韓圜, 唔錯, 喬麥冷麵好多, 炸豬排很脆; 2) 海鮮湯麵 X 2 , 5000韓圜/碗, 有蝦及扇貝, 亦有... |
Smoothie King is definitely one of the most remarkable places in Seoul. Being famous for its freshly made fruit juice, the wide range of fruits available for any sorts of mixing and combination was more than healthy and refreshing for one. I specially recommend "Very banana in berry" -... |
A Hawaiian Girl (共23篇遊記)
都幾多選擇,慣常見到既就一定有,發現了墨魚堡~好似未食過,決定試墨魚堡!買完俾個等候牌你,佢話等5 mins...當有野食既時候,個牌就會著燈同係咁震,香港要學下啦...成日嗌mic咁嘈... 墨魚堡:熱辣辣,個汁辣辣地,好味! 薯條: 麻麻,淡左d~尚可! |