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除了"衛城",雅典還有很多古蹟 其中一個是"奧林匹克宙斯神殿Temple of Olympian Zeus" 更詳細可參考: http://snowbluehung.blogspot.hk/2014/05/2014day-6-7.html |
snowbluehung (共34篇遊記)
由於這是神住的地方,衛城位於雅典市最高之地!! 更詳細可參考: http://snowbluehung.blogspot.hk/2014/05/2014day-6-7.html |
snowbluehung (共34篇遊記)
再去埋"雅典學院.雅典大學.國家圖書館"(Athena Academy,The University of Athens& National Libary) 更詳細資料可參考: http://snowbluehung.blogspot.hk/search/label/2014希臘小島之旅 |
snowbluehung (共34篇遊記)
由於希臘時間比香港慢4小時,所以坐咁多個鐘頭機來到雅典還是中午時份⋯⋯⋯⋯ 太陽正正在頭頂,眼睛都睜不開⋯⋯⋯ 當然是例行工事(跟團就是如此),遊覽雅典名勝⋯⋯⋯ 更詳細資料可參考: http://snowbluehung.blogspot.hk/search/label/2014希臘小島之旅 |
snowbluehung (共34篇遊記)
The area northwest of the Acropolis and Plaka is named Monastiraki, meaning 'little monastery'. There are small narrow streets mainly taken up by the flea market stalls that sell all sorts of souvenirs, jewelry, clothes etc. Every Sunday there is an antique market in Avissinias ... |
staringintoinfinity (共1篇遊記)