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Heston Blumenthal. Ding ding ding ding ding ding ..ding ding.. blu er blu er wa aaa … Ever watched his shows on TV? Several years ago I was kind of contemplating on whether to pay him a tribute, afterall he was once voted as the top restaurant in the world. Which is ir... |
HK Epicurus (共22篇遊記)
Our world constantly changes for the better!! Sometimes there exists grey areas that need to be addressed again with a more opened mind. Take for example The Harwood Arms, which is a modern British Gastro Pub which shares common ownership structure with ... |
HK Epicurus (共22篇遊記)
eliza_ok0906 (共1篇遊記)
chanlaishan (共18篇遊記)
第一次食俄羅斯菜, 原來超好食! 服務員個個好似 Model, 服務一流, 食物賣相超美, 又好食! 有 Magic Show, Live Music, with classical decoration! 情侶必去次選! |
chanlaishan (共18篇遊記)
chanlaishan (共18篇遊記)
用4元買來的咖啡, 雖然無嘜咖啡味, 但只需 4元, 在香港都買不到包裝飲品啦! 所以真的超抵! |
chanlaishan (共18篇遊記)
我叫了份魚, 都算幾新鮮, 充滿魚味. 他就叫了份意大利薄牛扒, 不過他說無想像中那麼好味. 另外, 我們叫了份著條, 都算幾脆幾香口. 最後, 我們四人叫了4份餐同3杯飲品, 總共要港幣成千蚊, 講真, 呢個價錢這個質數, 略為貴了些... |
chanlaishan (共18篇遊記)
雖然不見議轉機在印度轉, 不過都可以提下 Jet Airway 的飛機餐. 我試過坐日本航空, 台灣航空等, 都對飛機餐無什麼印象. 不過今次 Jet Airway 的飛機餐, 出乎意料地充滿印度特色, 和非常飽肚. 估不到有餐飛機餐仲有朱古力雪條做甜品, 真是喜出望外! 以我所知, 國泰航空好似商務客位先有雪條食.... |
chanlaishan (共18篇遊記)