



Sometimes I feel sorry for all those elephants. They have to be trained to entertain all the visitor. They have to performe their show twice every day. Do they feel tired and unhappy? I hope they feel happy in the zoo. I am pretty sure they miss their family and friends from their birth place. If I am an elephant, I would rather live in the wild jungle instead of living in the zoo. At least there is more freedom in the wild jungle. Nobody would be riding on their back every day. Nobody would force them to bath according to a particular schedule.
However, if they escape from the zoo, I think they no longer can be adapted to the wildlife environment. They have already lost their ability to survive in the natrual environment after their training. They have to live in the zoo for the rest of their life. They will no longer have an opportunuity to go back to Asia or Africa.
Somtimes when I am watching the animal show at zoo, I feel excited and I think the show is always interesting, but I always wonder whether the elephants would be happy or not. Do they really have a choice?