目黑區三田1-13-1恵比寿Garden Place内 English Address
Château Restaurant Joël RobuchonYebisu Garden PlaceDining room
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JR恵比寿東口Sky Walk盡頭
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Mr Friendly Daily Store   (咖啡茶室)
bread papa   (麵包/西餅)
蟻月   (日本菜)
香月拉麵   (日本菜)
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共 2 篇評論 ,正顯示第 1 至 2 篇評論
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amuse bouche
amuse bouche
avocado & crab
avocado & crab
l'oursin & cauliflower cream
l'oursin & cauliflower cream
lobster in fried egg + eringi, parma ham, cheese
lobster in fried egg + eringi, parma ham, cheese
wagyu fillet
wagyu fillet
mushroom soup
mushroom soup
le poisson
le poisson
chocolate cake
chocolate cake

The Robuchon Chateau consists of several parts including the more casual restaurant "LA TABLE de Joel Robuchon", the private dining "Salon", the "Rouge Bar", the bakery/patisserie "La Boutique" and the fancier "Joel Robuchon Restaurant" which is the one I'm going to write about in this review.Every visit here proved to be impressive both in presentation AND taste (in other words, typically Robuchon). Pictured are only SOME of the dishes in ONE lunch sitting - ARGH to the skint 8 photo limit! Anyhow, a favourite dish of mine was the lobster in fried egg with eringi mushrooms, parma ham and cheese. Lobster oil was squeezed into the fried egg before consumption - one of those mundane things that SOMEHOW manages to make a meal more amusing. Unlike the signature L'oursin (sea urchin) appetizer however, you cannot order this dish any time you like because most dishes from the tasting menus are changed regularly. I was also pleased with the mushroom soup- being a mushroom soup fan I like my mushroom soup VERY mushroom-y - and the soup here was exactly the way I wanted it to be. In comparison with the Robuchon in Macau, I'd definitely say that I prefer this one.Also, upon leaving the restaurant ladies receive a delicious bag of bread to take home! You all know Robuchon does great bread.  The service was also immaculate - happy happy happy.

推介菜式: Tasting Menu
每人消費: 約20000日圓
評分: 味道5   服務5   環境5   衛生5   抵食4

Château Restaurant Joël Robuchon
Château Restaurant Joël Robuchon
Yebisu Garden Place
Yebisu Garden Place
Dining room
Dining room
Pan seared scallops
Pan seared scallops

Yebisu Garden Place was once a huge brewing facility back in the late 1800's but was re-tooled into this nice looking garden in 1994. Right in the middle of the mix was this faithful architectural reproduction of a Loire Château - Château Restaurant Joël Robuchon.La Table de Joël Robuchon is siuated on the ground floor of the building and is more of a casual dining place comparing to the more formal Restaurant Joël Robuchon on 2/F. We elected to go to La Table because we were fairly underdressed that night.The decor of La Table is very crafty with classical looking mirrors, calved walls and medieval chandeliers while using purple as the predominant color. The atmosphere is very electric, which is absolutely perfect for romantic gathering.We ordered the tasting menu and everything from soup (porcini soup with pan seared foie gras) to appetizer (The 'egg', quail with porcini sauce & foie gras, pan seared scallops) were simply works of art. The main courses, wagyu beef and lamb, we thought were just average and the dessert was a little disappointing (we prefer something which requires a little more skills such as cakes, tarts, or creme brulee rather than sorbets, ice creams and fresh fruits).The service was everything you would expect from a top restaurant in Tokyo and the price tag was very decent (10,000 Yens per person) for Tokyo standards.

推介菜式: Pan seared scallops, foie gras
每人消費: 約10000日圓
評分: 味道4   服務4   環境5   衛生4   抵食4