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cheesecracker (共4篇遊記)
The first proper meal in Shinjuku2010-04-27 It was at this ramen shop where my locust friend and I faced our first real challenge in Japan. The smell of ramen was very tempting, but... neither of us could read Japanese. It's fine when they have Chinese characters which we could guess the meaning to some degree. Unfortunately, ... |
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晚飯後想起還沒有機會吃到HARBS的蛋糕,可是家人們都沒有胃納吃甜品,所以我乾脆把蛋糕外帶到酒店吃了。外帶盒貫徹日本人的細心,即使回酒店的路上我不小心地把盒子大力拋了一下,它也是毫無損傷。 ミルクレープ ¥780 在店外站了十分鐘便可以感受到這款水果千層派的受歡迎程度了。剛到達餐廳時店員... |